Taxes: Proposal

Day 755, 09:42 Published in Thailand Italy by darden
Hi all Thailand's Citizen.

14 hours ago the congressman August L. Isaan propose two laws about the taxes:

- Tax Change Food : Vat 10% Income 1% Import 9%
- Tax Change Gift : Vat 1% Income 10% Import 9%

each of this two proposal in my opinion aren't good for our situation, why i say this thing? Well now i will explain,but before a little explanation of the tax.


This is the tax that pay the citizen when work, and the tax that pay the company manager when done a collect of money ( we know all well that this tax is never payed by a good company manager).


This is the tax that pay each Thailand's company when want sell their product on our market


This is the tax that pay a foreign company when buy a license and sell the product on our market, the company will pay also the VAT tax.

After this we can do some consideration about the two proposal:

1- There are two different value of INCOME this isn't a good thing because the people will go to work in sector where the tax are lower and so the gift sector will be disadvantaged compared to the food sector

2- The import must be different for the different sector of manufactoring because for us is essential import the right thing, isn't a good thing if a foreign company of food come in thailand for selling isn't what we need

Well now is time of say my proposal for the taxes

Income : 5% will be the same for all the sector a income of 5% or 10 % don't change our life because for example a skill 3 gain 7 thb , in a week he will gain 49 thb and pay 2,45 thb of tax with the 5% and 4,9 with 10% , a difference of 2,45 thb for us isn't a great gain but for the player 2,45 are 3 food q1.

VAT : 1% will be the same for all the sector, with this value our company will be competitive in the world and the people will move the org in our country for buy our product in this way our economy will growing up.

Import for this tax will be different value because how i say before we need import the right product

Food : 40% it's an high value because i watch our internal stock of food and i say that we don't need foreign company and if they want sell to us is important a gain for our country. At the moment we have a stock of 4,299 q1, 702 q2 ,136 q3.

Weapon: 5% this is the sector with the lowest import value because we haven't good stock of weapon, and at the moment we can close our market to the foreign company

Gift: 15 % we have a good quantity of q1 and q2 in the company stock but some times the market is empty, so is better a medium value so we will gain by the import and we don't stop the company thath want buy a license

Ticket: 30% we have good quantity of q1 and we have more than one active company on the market, so the import is useless

Well this is in my mind what the thailand need for the manifacturing taxes, tomorrow i will do a study of all our citizen, for see the complete economical situation and will say something about the land and costruction.

Sorry for my really bad english -.-

Darden , Jedi Knight