Tales of a Redneck 2, Winning at Life

Day 2,360, 18:29 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins
She said it's cold outside and she hands me my raincoat
She's always worried about things like that
She said it's all gonna end and it might as well be my fault

6 months
yea 6 months, that's what it takes

I beat Bell, no lies, no bullshit, I won
I won at life

Cancelled my services, no more shit on my head, I owe, no problem, I will pay it off. Then comes the bill padding, I mean really, padding my bill after I'm gone, you should be so lucky as to collect what I owe. I had refused to pay until they settled the over billing. I took the high road though and paid what I owed, oh oops, I didn't pay the bill padding. Hashed it out twice, got promised it was no problem as long as I paid what I owed, the mistake would be fixed.

Well go figure, I paid and it wasn't fixed, redneck philosophy set in. Well if your employees are too stupid too get this and I have to fix this propblem myself, I'm charging $30 an hour and you are responsible for that. It's chargable by the minute for every minute my time is wasted. I got told good luck, you just try that and see what happens.

Challenge accepted.

Now I get calls from a collection agency, the girls aren't so bad. Explain the shit to them, like really, I owed them $550 and I paid it all, except $30, figure it out. Got this today......

This email is to confirm that following a verification of your final account, a credit has been applied. As of this date, your account has a balance of $0.00. If you have any questions regarding this email, you can reach us at 514-490-0739 or 1-866-490-0739.

Do you like you serve provider, of course not. But do you have to take their shit? Well you be the judge, I got credit charging them $30/hour, but I was right.

Win at life.

She's got a little bit of something, God it's better than nothing
And in her color portrait world she believes that she's got it all
She swears the moon don't hang quite as high as it used to

Kaptain Kidd
and most wickedly I did as I sailed