Speaker discussion

Day 551, 10:57 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem
Speaker voting

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 16 hours ago
Unfortunately it appears you are not in the party voting for the next speaker of the house. here is the message i sent to the rest of your party:

This is the ukpp party pm for vote on speaker elections, just post who you vote for below.
Candidates are:
Rob the bruce
Dr. Mo10

Votes start NOW and last for 24 HOURS

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 16 hours ago
Please tell me who you would like to vote for

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 16 hours ago
Oh and also i am going to need all irc nicks.

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 14 hours ago
"This vote does not conform to (Forum) law"

I therefore refuse to acknowledge

* It.
* Anyone you decide is elected by it.
* Any associated laws or tradition that come from the same source (forums) that impinge upon aspect of the game.

That some eUKers want to roleplay for their own amusement is commendable, understandable and I support your choice is doing so.

However if you want to RP then you are damn well going to have to be consistent!


Alfagrem to hotfuz | 11 hours ago
Furthermore and after discussion with other parties,

I give you notice that if you proceed onwards with this vote that is not compliant to the 'Speaker Act' of March 2013 (in terms of nominations and voting period) and attempt to present it as 'legit' - You risk a breech in congress and the likely formation of a 60% bloc of congress deciding to bypass the act (and others like it) as being irrelevant.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 2 hours ago
Wait sorry i am really confused at what your saying. o you mean there is a possibility that i will twiddle around with the votes??

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 1 hours ago
I'm saying that the nom procedure is botched.

Therefore including people on the list who tried to run after the date is wrong and the timing of the vote is also wrong.

If you continue onwards with this vote then it'll be ignored.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 1 hours ago
no argo i forgot to add, he already said he was candidating

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 1 hours ago
You were sending out "do you want to run" PMs after the closing date for nominations.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 56 minutes ago
And when is this closing date?

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 43 minutes ago
Sorry, I thought you were the current Speaker and therefore conversant in the speaker act that was passed in March of 2013.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 41 minutes ago
You mean you thought i was newly elected one?

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 36 minutes ago
The way you represented yourself seemed to suggest you are the outgoing Speaker and therefore would of been elected under the act we're talking about and therefore have some kmowledge about it.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 35 minutes ago
yh okay, i am the retiring speaker

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 35 minutes ago
but i do not understand what you are talking about?

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 23 minutes ago
Are you aware of the Speaker Act (rules regarding the selection of Speakers) of March 2013?

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 22 minutes ago
Speaker Act

To establish procedures surrounding the election of a Congressional speaker to manage legislative and Congressional affairs.

1a. Citizens running for Congress may nominate themselves or be nominated to take on the role of speaker; and must communicate this to their Party President before election day.
b. Nominations will end at 00:00 erep time on the 24th of each month.
c. Congressmen/women will vote on those nominees who were elected to Congress on the 26th of each month.
d. The CP or outgoing speaker must oversee the process and run the vote.

2a. The speaker will process proposed legislation and legislative changes.
b. Any amendment or proposed bill will have a maximum 48 hour discussion period with members of Congress and the public followed by concurrent vote.
c. Any bill must receive %50+1 of Congress’ vote to become legislation.

3. The speaker is to track activity and attendance of Congress members, information recorded is to be made publicly accessible.

4. Speakers may rerun for the position provided they are reelected to Congress.

5a. If the Speaker needs to be replaced whomever came 2nd in the vote on the 26th will take up the role.
b. Speakers may stand down at any point.
c. Congress may vote to replace their Speaker should they feel that they are not fulfilling their responsibilities, with a %50+1 vote needed to depose them.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 19 minutes ago
I have never seen this...

sorry i have had no idea of it at all. i thought it would be best to do it day before since we know who will be in congress and can vote likewise what happened last term.

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 14 minutes ago
That you are speaker and had no idea of the laws and regulations that exist to manage these RP events is staggering.

As you're not following procedure then you're not acting as speaker and the vote you just asked for is just a random popvox which we can safely ignore if we so choose.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 12 minutes ago

Last term these votes where carried out and was easy to elect the speaker

i am following actions from last term...

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 11 minutes ago
If you wish not to vote then you may do so...

Alfagrem to hotfuz | 6 minutes ago
I'm not voting and haven spoken to my fellow UKPP congressmembers they are also retracting or refusing to vote.

We shall be making alternative arrangements for congress procedural work with other like minded parties.


hotfuz to Alfagrem | 2 minutes ago
very well then, this election still happens though and whoever is elected will have speaker duties.

Alfagrem to hotfuz | one minute ago
They'll have a title that you bestow upon them but no power as we'll take up another offer that would present a closed bloc containing 60% of congress and leave your chap impotent and his/her group on the vine.

hotfuz to Alfagrem | 10 minutes ago
This wont change the fact that whoever is elected will be speaker and if you congress members which to have a re election of speaker you may do so..

Alfagrem to hotfuz | one minute ago
He or She won't be 'speaker' as the rules laid down in the place where the role of speaker was conceived (the forums) have not been followed.

If the rules laid out to govern these RP titles is ignored then the RP position is ignored.

This has been a historic bugbear of the 'new' parties and as such we'll sigh, get together and choose one of our own chaps to start congress PMs and ignore anyone who doesn't share our regard for getting shit done and doing it right.