Scrabman-Moishe bring you War Games

Day 500, 07:07 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Tonight (Day 500) is the last planned War Games fight before the Presidential election on Sunday. It will be started around 17:00 again so keep an eye out and remember that you get to fight both tonight and tomorrow during the day (for 10 battles if you use a Q5 hospital). Also look for Istarlan to show off how effective her National Guard troops are at coordinating attacks during this battle.

Please take another look at my article about how to fight and use the hospitals for the greatest benefit. I've had a lot of newer players writing to me who still don't understand the importance of keeping high wellness and moving to New Jersey or Florida.

Also remember that only Scrabman-Moishe have promised to fund War Games 3 times a week for the rest of the month using our Treaty with Mexico. Again, that treaty was coordinated by Publius, Inwegen, and Dish with input by Uncle Sam during his Administration and me who signed the Treaty with the President of Mexico after adding a few things to it. I have never taken credit for the Treaty but I will take credit for promising to bring you War Games 3 times a week for 30 free fights each week.

Sunday vote for Scrabman-Moishe!
Sunday vote for Scrabman-Moishe!
Sunday vote for Scrabman-Moishe!
Sunday vote for Scrabman-Moishe!
Sunday vote for Scrabman-Moishe!

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