Scrabman ... delivering on promises.

Day 501, 08:36 Published in USA USA by scrabman

When I assumed the Presidency I made a State of the Union address where I made 3 promises for my two week term as President.

1) Transparency of Government - I pushed Congress into taking back control of the people's money. Unlike Justin is trying to say, the money is protected in a out of game account where it is not subject to a Political Takeover (PTO)

2) War Games - I brought them ... and will keep bringing them 3 days a week until the first week of May.

3) The Federal Budget - this was a huge goal to tackle in a two week term but I have a competent person heading up the goal to design a Federal Budget and Ananias has made progress in this goal.

I would have planned more things if I had a whole month. I think achieving 2 and part of the 3rd is a pretty big accomplishment. Of course, I'm being attacked now left and right for not doing more and not answering all of the snipe questions that John Jay has been posing to me wrapped around his fists. As many citizens can tell you I have responded to more than 100 emails and PMs in the last two weeks from people who sincerely want to communicate with me or ask me serious questions and few of them have come at me with the vitriol that John Jay has shown to his Commander in Chief. He really worries me in that he seems to be pushing for some sort of coup d'etat by the military.

I've heard that I'm not an officially elected President or that the Congressional Impeachment of Sam was somehow illegal. I call that hogwash. I earned more than 500 votes last election and was the rightful runner-up in the event of impeachment which was not illegal as we have no clear guidelines to follow other than the game mechanics. I've heard that I'm barely involved in Congress even though I am all over the discussion threads where it is appropriate and was even more so when I was in Congress two weeks ago. Then there is the issue of IRC. I find it to be a colossal waste of time much the same way that my chief opponent finds the Forums to be a waste of time. The difference is that the Forums are the seat of Government in the eUSA and IRC is not.

So that's what I'm about. I will have more policies to implement as we get started into my first full term of office on Monday morning. You can look back at my platform from last election to see what I have on my mind ... I won't dump it all here again. My plan is to make things work better in eRep. I'm not in it for the money or the ego ... I'm here to see how to make things work. I have the intelligence, I have capable advisers, and I have the determination to see this through.

Vote Scrabman-Moishe if you want continued success that has been present over the last two weeks.

Vote Scrabman-Moishe if you're tired of the ego and personal glory in the Presidency and want a candidate who wants to make things work.

Vote Scrabman-Moishe because we're simply the best choice.

Here are some recent articles you may want to see.

Libertarians Endorse Scrabman-Moishe:

Winning eRepublik (Part 1)

Winning eRepublik (Part 2)

Building a Brighter Future

Closing the Gap (by Moishe)

In Response (by Moishe)

A President Should Be (by Moishe)

My Master (by Moishe)

Vote Scrabman-Moishe April 5

Scrabman-Moishe Bring You War Games