Scarfar4CP2 - Another one

Day 2,994, 20:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by playerunknown

Vote me for CP please.

My promises:

✔ Will PTO the eUK
✔ Take back at least one region from eFrance
✔ Will remove the current dictator
✔ Using country monies, start a coup to place Hail Astrid as dictator
✔ Create a weekly article insulting the French
✔ Leave PLUTO
✔ Wipe eBelgium
✔ Every Monday will become "share your porn" day
✔ H3H3 will be placed as the new King of the eUK
✔ Free money for everyone who votes for me
✔ Will completely ignore congress besides insulting certain members
✔ Free money to buy yo momma a house
✔ Will be not here for pretty much all of it and will completely quit after Astrid is made dictator
✔ thank mr skeltal
✔ Mostly not give a sh**

I appreciate that.
