Salam dari eChili \o/

Day 1,632, 09:11 Published in Indonesia Chile by Pichulator

Halo eIndonesia,

My name Pichulator and I just got my eIndo CS. I'm a RL Chilean and have been eChilean my whole elife (except for some time when I went abroad to live in eBulgaria).

Recently we have lost all our regions to eArgentina. I volunteered to help all of our young citizens that came with the massive BabyBoom in April 6 (in March we were almost 2000 eChileans, and with the BB we were OVER 9000!!!). With the loss of the production bonus I had a really hard time to provide babyboomers with supplies and thus decided to seek for a new place to live. Right away my eyes turned to eIndonesia, but now I have a more important mission, that is to strengthen the bonds between eChile and eIndonesia.

It's true that eChile was part of Terra in the past and fought along Brazil's side, but sadly, those alliances and old "friends" never saw us as equals. Since I can remember (I was born on September 13, 2011) eChile had many problems with Terra because when they asked for our help we fought with all our strength, but when we needed help no one came, except for some true friends around the eWorld. Thus, we have been alway asking our leaders to reconsider our alliances.

In March 2012, we had EDEN ordering all member countries to stop signing MPP with us because of some dispute with eArgentina (a "proTerra" country with no Alliances whatsoever), and Terra finally expelled us (one of the founding members of the Alliance) because they say we were causing too many problems with eArgentina (yet again, a non member country). We were like WTF? We realize that an Alliance that does not truly support their members is no Alliance at all. We were not the only ones to notice this and as we left, other countries followed.

Now we have seen that alliances have shifted and a new brotherhood is emerging. On behalf of the eChilena community I wanted to greet our friend eIndonesia and start from scratch in what I think could become a true lasting friendship.

Last but not least I would like to thanks Billy Chandra and thorest for processing my citizenship request.

Selamat tinggal