ROMANIA voi urmati! ROMÁNIA te következel! [Eng]

Day 995, 08:13 Published in Romania Hungary by Heidar

First of all take example from the eCroatians, they know what "fair play" means. You don't deserve such good allies as they are. Now Hungarians who are eCroatians change theirs citizenship.

There is a bullshit in the Hungarian media from Szabó Bogdán (BTW who the f@ck is he?) about destroying eHungary. He/She or It and the commenters are very happy about Hungary lost his MPPs and money thanks to a polish hecker. Did I mentioned "fair play" before?

But as we see admins get sober now, they started to fix the game

We get back our MPPs and when we will get back our golds eRomania should start fear. Cause we are really upset and we want revenge. Revenge for the bugs, hecks, malicious articles, sarcastic comments, unfair attacks... Revenge for everything! Doesn't matter whose fault were these things: heckers, Poles, Romanians or admins. eRomania will be the first victim.

Hungarians never forget so you should start makeing a baby boom or MPPs or fakes or whatever you want. Nothing will save you!


