Rising threat of USA in Europe

Day 1,781, 12:04 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

The loss of Macedonian regions in France has left the Italian regions in a great deal exposed to interventions by the American imperialistic interests. To presume Poland will keep neutral relations with Macedonians is utopical, let's get that straight from the beginning. Macedonia is faced with certain problems, as it has to fight several enemies, Albania on the home front and USA to preserve her influence as a dominant country in the Mediterranean. The question arises now on who can Macedonians count on when the hour will come? Will that be Serbia, that has so far decided to keep herself out of the mutual conflict between CTRL and Macedonia? Most likely that could be the case as the new Serbian government has high interests in bringing the Balkan alliance to life. It is said Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Macedonia could form the basis of this new group of friends that would face other strong entities in this game. It would surely enable certain countries to strenghten up their diplomatic stance towards some of their enemies and rivals in general. Slovenia is one of those countries. The proximity of USA has now left everyone wonder whether the country itself will intervene or decide to stay out of the conflict with CTRL ensuring herself the much wanted safety or the much needed action.

It's hard to suggest what the final pick will be. As there are many options advocating for different options in the Slovenian politics. In general the relationship with USA has never been cordial, and it's doubtful it will ever turn friendly as American presence near the neutral countries has always arisen many doubts. The chances for Slovenian intervention are present, specially if one will get too greedy and decide to go for something that will expose the neighboring country in a great deal. There are limits to everything, we have to know that. The stance of Slovenia, as I could presume, is so far neutral, with much despise or distrust towards Americans. It is known USA itself is one big vulture, feeding itself on immorality and treachery. American diplomacy in general is one huge failure, hard to put it otherwise. The times of wise politicians are over.

What can Macedonia do?
There has been a mention of Macedonia and the Balkan countries coming back together. Hard to say whether that will happen or not, as the stance of Serbia is still not known. Sooner or later Serbs will have to decide. Will that be aligning with Poland, beside USA, or Macedonia and her allies. It's turning more and more into a game filled with local alliances, global ties being pretty much wiped out.

Macedonia is left to wander around, it can hardly do anything with the indecisive Serbs at her back. Serbian opposition that seeks to win the elections would like to form the Balkan alliance - which will very likely happen, yet keep good relationship with SPoland. An impossible thing it seems - to accomplish both goals.

The American look
"Who's Slovenia?"
Enough of irony, Americans have already been met with Macedonians, it's time for them to focus on areas away from Europe. If one is to turn out to be very fragile and permissive, you will get used. Say no to that, face it directly as Macedonia has. What Americans see in Europe is easy resources and the fact they can improve their position amongst European allies by "protecting" them or better put, their interests. What Americans seek to get is Switzerland and the much needed deer in Austria. Sooner or later they will have to be stopped.

The other interesting thing is they have enemies in EDEN and as well in ex ONE. A great thing when you head to Europe!

The neutral point of view
However you put it, you can't deny the fact American diplomacy is in its basis focused on being on the top whenever possible - by being manipulative or immoral in any way you can mention it. Betraying allies, betraying for whoever you stand for - that's no problem for them. As long as they get resources and what they want.

Macedonia is known to be very hot headed, but yet stands for what it believes in. People perceive this Balkan country as a great refreshment to international affairs. A respected country due to its bravery and fighting spirit. The diplomacy, the same as in USA, is not the main focus in Macedonia, many mistakes have been done with foolish moves. Yet no one is perfect.

Poland on the other side, like a sitting lion preparing to attack its prey, will use every chance just to get rid of those whom it doesn't like or whoever gets in the sphere of her interests. As to stand up with Americans is a thing of great honor - yeah right. I believe Croats and Serbs would step up together to finish off America together, before any of them would ally with them. A very shocking thing.

In general American threat won't go by unnoticed. People will react. Even if at start things may be a bit indecisive, changes in thinking will happen. Trust me in that while I speak so. As to see Americans being in Switzerland and Austria is of no interest nor to Macedonia nor to Serbia nor to Hungary or Slovenia. The decision is easy. Yes or no - when it comes to being decisive.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly