Right decision for citizens

Day 212, 08:21 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

Vote tomorow Gaius MArius, as a Mayor of Donetsk, low taxes, a lot of prizes awaited and, surprise of the day all wishful citizen that will actively be involve in the evolution of the town will be rewarded. So, wait no longer, do the right thing, Vote Gaius Marius, vote the way for greatness.

Votati maine DA pentru Gaius Marius, la Primaria orasului Donetsk, taxe minime, multe premiii asteptate, si ca o surpriza a zilei, toti cetatenii doritori sa participe la dezvoltarea comunitatii vor fi rasplatiti. Nu mai asteptati, faceti ceea ce trebuie, Votati Gaius Marius, votati calea catre succes.