Day 1,511, 04:49 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Starfool

A dangerous game I play… These are results of the Survey, and something EXTRA, so if you like it Shout, Vote, Add me as friend, and Subscribe 
1. Is MPP with Macedonia, gonna ruin relations with China?

Answers: Yes-5, No-7, Meaby-17

My answer: The goal with these question, was can Macedonia and Taiwan be friends, and can it be “Friend of mine is Friend of You, My foes are your Foes”??? Looks like Taiwan does not want to ruin his trust with China… Ok, we don’t want that too…
Best answer: SadanagaDay 1,507, 08:36 #1. While I dont think it wont ruin relations with China, it surely will damage them

2. Do you trust Macedonia?

Answers: Yes-15, No-3, Not sure-5

My answer: These question was meant for all China and Taiwan, well the opposition in mater of these question is weak, honestly Taiwan and China trust Macedonia, but the political idea of EDEN, TERA and ONE, don’t allows a alliance…

Best answer: SORA ChungDay 1,507, 09:272.I trust you, bro. But i don't know some more about Macedonia, so that may be a little be hard for me to answer.

3. Will u be able to fight for Macedonia?

Answers: Yes-3, No-20, It depends-7

My answer: Ok, I don’t even exept, but we are in different alliances , But there is still room to talk about for the future

Best answer: SadanagaDay 1,507, 08:36 #3. Doubtful at the current conditions, as I said before, we are on opposing sides, it would damage our relations with your direct enemies (our allies)

4. Can u stay neutral in war between Macedonia & China?

Answers: Yes-5, No-15, WTF, are you saying-1

My answer: If Macedonia and Taiwan are at war, I want Taiwan to be a voice of reason, If one day there is alliance between Macedonia & China, it will be under Taiwan menagment  I personaly think that there will be alliance between China, Taiwan, Macedonia &One

Best answer: SoneharaTooru to Starfool | 3 days ago NO

5. Is there enough Chinese in Taiwan congres?

Answers Yes-5, No-17 (???), We are all Chinese

My answer: A trick question-You are all Chinese
Best answer: Mine: You are all Chinese

6. Do you think of China as a big brother?

Answers: Yes-15, No-10

My answer: Its nice to have a loyal friend, who will be with you no matter what, So you are Trusty Friends, Macedonia in future can Trust YOU

Best answer: AgainSoneharaTooru to Starfool | 3 days ago A:Actually Do you know the history of China? this eChina in real life is People's
Republik of China, But Taiwan is Republik of China.We are old brother!because we
have history of 101-years !

7. Do you think that the Taiwan goverment is workin properly?

Answers: Yes-17, No-15, I don’t know-7

My answer: come on opposition!!!

Best answer: I don’t care

8. Is your voice heard?

Answers: Yes-16, No-10,

My answer: At least I know that these are active players, that is all I matter

EXTRA: My conclusion:
Taiwan & China are great friends, and they will continue to be! VOTE, But there is open door for friendship between Macedonia & Taiwan. These 3 nations stick between agreaments with their allies. That is why there is such opposition from Greece, they know If there is TRUCE, or NON-Agresive pact between Macedonia & China, They are Doomed. Macedonia respect China, China knows that, but Both are loyal to the allies…

Well I leave you for some time now, and think, meaby I am right, and Greeks, don’t make me easy pls SHUT UP!