Re: What?!

Day 1,349, 19:29 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

My answer to

With the recent bout of inactivity in our eCountry in the last few months and with the coming country presidency election, I want to start an open discussion on how well do you know your ecountry and who are you going to vote? I'm not asking about specific names here, I'm looking for your ideal person for the job. What are you looking for in a CP candidate? What will sway you to vote for a particular candidate? How much of your decision is for the benefit of the ecountry?

"As a voter for presidential elections in many months, what I seek in a President are:
-consistent interaction with the people of the ePhilippines, meaning he or she should be here in times of good or bad situations.
-surround himself/herself with people that are knowledgeable about the inner and outer workings of the government and eRepublik
-someone who's not a stranger to the people of ePhilippines. I don't want someone who just popped out of nowhere like a mushroom.
-someone who'd been here for a long time and who knows what the past and the present situation of the ePhilippines. Learning from the mistakes of the past and presenting better solutions for the future of ePhilippines.
-someone who doesn't put a damn if he steps on someone's foot just to do the right things.
-someone who believes in every citizens of ePhilippines; native or naturalized citizens.
-someone who is not ignorant.
-someone who takes the road that is less traveled. He must be a leader not a follower.

I hope this helps every voters to choose the best Country President Candidate this upcoming election.

This is what I want to become when, if ever I get elected, I become your President. I am not promising anything, but I will do my best to preserve this nation that I dear love.

sansae2, Party President
Kilusan ng Makabayang Pilipino