Re-Broification of Canada USA Update

Day 3,129, 17:23 Published in USA Canada by Exalted Druid

The Re-Broification process between eCanada and eUSA has had rough start. We in Canada put our best man on the job by naming Rylde as Special Ambassador to the USA and Pacifica.

Rylde is a veteran statesman and a proponent of peace and freedom throughout the eWorld. Rylde is known for his conciliatory nature and calm and reasoned demeanor. (Please do not give him alcohol at state events)

His support for the American old guard is legendary. He has done his best to help these people by pointing out the error of their ways and seeking to guide them to be better humans and owls.

Now where has our efforts for Re-Broification of the North American continent gotten us?

First an ill conceived vote in the American congress to declare war on Canada, America’s very own Bro.

Next the silly passage of a Trade Embargo on Canada.

We knew the Re-Broification of the North American continent would not be easy. eCanada has made the first steps towards Re-Broification but has so far only received a couple of Derpy responses.

We believe that there must still be some cultural differences and old grudges holding our American brothers back from Re-Broificaiton.

In an effort to bridge this cultural gap between our two brother nations Canada has decided to help our American brother become closer to Canada Culturally.

I have today ordered our National Broadcasting Corporation, the CBC, to begin broadcasting Justin Bieber songs 24/7 to our American Brothers.

I have further ordered our military to station loudspeakers along the Canadian, USA border to further broadcast the Bieb’s to America in hopes that through Justin we can find common cultural ground to complete the Re-Broification process.

Put your trust in Justin Bieber for world peace. Say yes to Re-Broifcation.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid,
CP of Canada/Mandated to bring Re-Broifcation.