Raffle for a Tank Company~~

Day 1,276, 16:37 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Do you like tanks?

Of course you do.

Right now, and I mean now is your chance to get a super cheap tank company. I'm talking for as little as three golds, America.

Here's what you'll do:
1. Send 3 gold to Fort Knox Federal Reserve
2. Wait 48 hours
3. WIN!
4. Or don't!

Here's what we'll do:
1. Receive gold donations in sums of 3g
2. Assign each 3g donation a number(meaning that if you want more than one ticket, ei 2, you'd send a multiple of 3, ei6, and be assigned numbers accordingly)
3. Think of a number
4. Pick a winner
5. Contact the winner and give the company to them via a special maneuver by the admins.