Question to Romanian Goverment

Day 5,756, 05:10 Published in Romania Serbia by Danicic Predrag

We had unique oportunity to leave Croatia without a congress this month ..

And we ( eSerbia ) worked really hard last 2 weeks for this goal.

In the end we would be able probably to finish job alone but for some reason you entered croatian CORE..

Why did you enered North West of Croatia ?

If you are not willing to fight this RW ?!?!?

I see that you are defending base in Chile instad of that..

WE ( eSerbs ) were willing to support you in air there and win you few rounds.

I understand that we had bad plan ( it is more or less expected from planners on our side to fuck up something ), and that we did not blocked Croatian RW like we should have.. but still.

This move from your side feels is nothing less than backstab.

How you would feel if we took Russian core and liberated it before congress elections..

When I was CP I told "We are not going there ( in Russian Core) and we fought Code on other fronts". -> not great awnser but it was honest at least..

I am writing from phone sorry for mistakes in text..