Question Period: The Answers

Day 2,237, 19:14 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Good Evening eCanada,

The election has been shaped quite differently since my last article. Only two out of the original four remain in contention of the big chair, one with a clear majority of support. Without further ado, I present to you the questions and answers from the Question Period.

Unedited. This is a long one.

Question Perio😛 Questions & Answers

1. (klop) Tell us about yourselves! Anything of interest.

IBB: Student in the GTA. Been a Minister of just about everything. Play way too many games on Steam.

TemujinBC: I live in a small town called Smithers in Northern BC. I’m a functioning alcoholic and I run a small cleaning company. I’m also a goldbeast and trollolololo maniac that hasn’t posted an original comment in months.

2. (Lance Lucky) What is your favorite hockey team, traditional Canadian food and brand of beer?

IBB: Toronto Maple Leafs, either Beaver Tails or Poutine, and I’d say either Canadian or Heineken.

TemujinBC: The Vancouver Canucks, Yellow Snow Cones, Lord of the Hops

3. (Foxfire) How do you differ from the other candidates?

IBB: I’m the only Candidate that has spent their entire career and eLife actually IN eCanada! The other two are both Oceanics 😛

TemujinBC: I won’t take anything too seriously unless we’re facing a wipe. I’m not spending any time bothering with a platform or any promises or goals for the month.

4.(Foxfire) The past CP had his efforts undermined by a particular political party through military action. Do you agree with Canadians fighting Canadians? Would you approach this issue differently than the past CP had?

IBB: Being supported by “a particular political party” I’d like to think such a thing wouldn’t occur during my term and we can all focus on fighting a common enemy. As for Canadians “fighting” Canadians, on the battlefield during serious campaigns I’m generally against it unless a serious circumstance calls for it. I believe for the most part Canada’s military should be focused and on target.

TemujinBC: I’d like to think I’m on friendly enough grounds with everyone, but if a group of players has it in for you then there isn’t really a lot that can be done to change it. “Canadians fighting Canadians” is the way it’s always been since I started, and in fact the funnest times in this game for me have been when I’ve played a role in creating/exploiting/encouraging this sort of tension. The political module in this game is so stupifyingly lack lustre that there isn’t much besides in-fighting to keep it lively.

5. (Foxfire)Apathy appears to be the biggest challenge in eCanada these days. How will you combat this killer of accounts?

To a large degree there is little most can do to combat apathy in this game, as far as a government goes the best they can do, aside from going way above and beyond (i.e., outside advertising, convincing friends/other to join, etc.), is simply try to educate and entertain these accounts, new and old alike, enough to keep them interested. Whether this be by programs, contests, articles or otherwise.

TemujinBC: Acceptance is the last of the five stages of grief. This game provides us all with a tremendous amount of grief and so it’s important to accept it and move on. There is virtually no reason for us to continue playing (except that we don’t want to think the past was all in vain) and scarcely any reason for new players to stay committed. If the owners and admins of eRep are not even concerned with player retention, then certainly we should not give another thought to it.

6. (Foxfire) Do you have any unique direction that you would wish to align us with internationally and if so how would you choose to approach this?

IBB: At a time where international relations are at such a peculiar place it can often be hard just to choose a new side. Sticking with traditional allies would, assuming nothing relevant occurred, be the best way to go in my opinion. However, if an opportunity presents itself for eCanada to be put into a better place on the world stage I won’t hesitate to reach out and grab it.

TemujinBC: To be honest, when I was Canadian CP back in December 2010, I wanted us to align with South American countries like Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela. I was also interested in Indonesia and Taiwan at the time. We’re basically still aligned with them (save Taiwan and Vene) but back in the day it would seem crazy to even suggest it.

Unless TWO disbands there is not a lot of sense trying new alliances. I’m not overly interested in pursuing a more TWO-friendly stance but I do like the old Asgard group. The Americans are also a valuable ally and keeping Technician and the other immigrants happy is a very worthwhile endeavor!

7.(megabird) So as a not so prominent player I would like to ask if any have an idea on how to strengthen eCanadas div 1,2,3 players seeing how that cost us our Estonian AS?

IBB: A tricky situation considering most younglings don’t stick around long enough to even make it to Division 2. Aside from getting more people there are programs that can be implemented to make lower divisions stronger. Such programs include funding programs for Training Grounds upgrades, supply and food provisions, and others.

The biggest problem with these programs is the utter expense to implement them. Such expense is not something Canada can much afford right now, however, the thoughts have not been ruled out of my head and will be explored with my Finance Minister to gauge their possibility.

TemujinBC: Good Grief, the noobies and younger players in this game have it bad. All I can really say to that is for any D1-3 players out there reading this that actually want to continue playing this game, there are LOTS of players out there willing to help you and LOTS of avenues for you to receive supplies for fighting. The only way for us to strengthen in this area is for individual eCanadians to take responsibility for seeking out and helping these people.

8. (megabird) Also would any of you want to come to the pants party?

IBB: it “The Pants Party” or is it a Party, in your pants? Either way, the answer is probably maybe.

TemujinBC: If I left The Muppet Show, Homer would never speak to me again. And that simply will not do.

9. (Jason Welsh) Will there be an attempt to join or create a new alliance this term?

IBB: Although I have no particular plans to work towards creating one, I’m not opposed to helping other nations with their ideas if it is in eCanada’s benefit. My feelers will always be out there for such things.

TemujinBC: I won’t take the lead in any of that, but will listen to anyone out there that would want Canada as an ally.

10. (Jason Welsh) Are there any plans for TWs? Specific countries?

IBB: If a real war (one that is worthwhile) cannot be achieved I would like to look at starting a TW with one of our neighbours. It is an easy way to relieve some tension from everyone.

TemujinBC: I have no plans in this regard.

11. (Jason Welsh) Are there any plans for actual war?

IBB: I will be looking into any and all avenues regarding finding an “actual war” for eCanada to fight. Allies need help, enemies need a beating and as always Canada stands ready.

TemujinBC: I’d strongly consider doing an airstrike, and attacking the UK is always appealing to me.

12. (Code-Y) What will you do that other CP's haven't?

IBB: Been me.

TemujinBC: I won’t make any promises, I won’t be hyper-active on forums or IRC, I won’t give a rats ass and I won’t get all worked up over the little things.

13. (Code-Y) How do you think you'll manage the new alliance likely to be formed during your term?

IBB: This question really depends on what sides are formed, if TWO splits and the New World is divided fairly evenly between 2 new alliances then it really depends who is where and why. This question is really context-y.

TemujinBC: M’eh Alliance Schmalliance.

14. (Code-Y) Do you like hovercats?

IBB: There are people that don’t!?

TemujinBC: Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears sit in the forest?

15. (PVP) Would you agree with setting up a new MPP, perhaps with a previous enemy or what some would describe as "an unusual alliance" (like the ice-breaking Serbia - Romania)?

IBB: I don’t see why not. It really depends on circumstance. For example, if all of our current close allies formed a new alliance and say...Serbia was in it, then we got an invite would you not sign it too?

TemujinBC: M’eh

16. (PVP) What will you do to politically unify all of eCanada towards a common goal ?

IBB: One does not simply “unify” eCanada. I’d like to work with leaders of their fields to work towards mutually beneficial goals, but beyond that, this simply does not occur.

TemujinBC: The very notion is so improbable as to be remote, and with continuing game changes that emphasize mercenary stuff I can’t really see Canada ever being “unified” in any meaningful way. I will not concern myself with fantasies or fairy tales.

18. (PVP) If elected, would you encourage eCanadian soldiers and MU commanders to be more aggressive ? In other words, will the Canadian army be more aggressive with you as CP ?

IBB: Carefully aimed aggression is a very powerful tool. Through coordination and communication I’d like to ensure eCanada’s Military runs at top efficiency.

TemujinBC: I’ve nearly always played this game as an aggressive warmonger and so I would certainly encourage that sort of thing.

18. (klop) Where do you see eCanada at the end of your term?

IBB: Probably North America with little Vacation Fortresses all over the world 😉

TemujinBC: Clamoring for more of the Do-Nothing President, TemujinCP

19. (Ardikus) Do you have SwegYolo?

IBB: No. Pat is the only Swagmeister McYolo I know.

TemujinBC: I had swegyolo but then I put away my christmas fatigues

20. (Anonymous) Temujin, who are eCanada’s biggest butts?

TemujinBC: In order of Gluteul importance: Homer J Simpson, Muglack, Rolo, Rylde, Crisfire, Connor Macleod, Technician (an imported Glute, but a Glute nonetheless), Umbra Bellagio (or whatever his name is lol), Sir Longname, Jacks Broken Heart, Everyone in the Parti Francophone, Ardikus… oh for the love of Sutler the list is endless…

The next set of questions will be grouped, as they fit together;

(Mary Chan) 1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
2. Summarize your platform in a 5-7-5 haiku.
3. If you're in outer space in a space suit and you fart, how differently would it smell compared to your farts on Earth?
4. What makes eCanada, eCanada?
5. ~hyuu~
6. Out of the 5 "questions" above, which one is the best question?

IBB: Not very much I imagine as they aren’t particularly large.
“Country needs more win, I B B means more winning, I suck at haikus”.’d get the full force of it, so more pungent I suspect. It’s spelled the same, also awkward love-hate relationships...literally EVERYWHERE. ~mehh~. “Best”, number 2 made me think the most >_
TemujinBC: Only lumberjacks chuck wood, Silly Mary. “ Nothing Accomplished, unending boredom conquers, Plato still plotting”. With the food they provide on the spacecraft, I suspect the fart would be scented somewhat like rehydrated popcorn. For the longest time the answer clearly was “TCO makes eCanada what it is”, now if there is an answer to that, I just don’t know what it is. ~fkuu~ . The Haiku rules all.

(Thedillpickl) 1. What's a henweigh?
2. If you have a platform, why? (If you know why just wink.)
3. If you're in a two man submarine and you fart, do you really expect the other guy will buy that it wasn't you?
4. Why does Canada allow moose to shit in the street but not my dog?
5. ~hyuu~ x2
6. Do you think Mary Chan is upset that I copied here questions to draw attention to myself?

IBB: No idea. 😉 . Yes. You own your dog and are responsible for it, noone owns that moose and noone can really stop it. ~mehh~x2. I doubt she’d get worked up over it 😛

TemujinBC: I’m not sure but I think it is closely related to updog. Political Platforms in this game are almost always a waste of time ~_^. I’d keep my farts inside. No one owns the Moose, but you own that stupid dog so clean up after it for googlechrists sake! ~fkuu~ x2. Mary Chan counted to infinity twice, so I don’t think she really cares about you or your little dog Toto.

(Simon-Boucher Ruest)1) What's the one word you'd use to describe SBR?
2) If I give you 100 gold, can I decide which country we NE/airstrike?
3) If not, how much gold would I have to give you?

IBB: Sex-maniac. Not NEARLY enough. much MUCH more.

TemujinBC: Fantastique. No. Buy me a 300 gold pack and supply ¼ of the food needed.

Thanks to both candidates, I-Bleed-Blue-93 and TemujinBC for participating and good luck! I'd also like to thank those who submitted questions!

Stay Classy,