Protest against cenzorship: please vote [UPDATE]

Day 1,161, 12:30 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ipath
Originally posted by Nalaja - deleted by... i dunno

After many Hungarian-language articles of different players, I shall pubish this for international audience. Thanks for Gabor Nemes and Supernova for drawing my attention to these bits of info.

In the past, all new countries were without parties, congress, any political infrastructure. This made these countries extremely vulnerable to any hostile TO attempts. Remember eSingapore or remember the creation of the e-Baltic states. Now, in the new Saudi Arabia, the picture is totally different. Although there is no named President, there is a small congress in the country:

All congress members are from the Saudi Community Party. The party leader is, however, khm, not a real Vahhabite tribesman but a well-known Romanian player. Interestingly enough, there are no congressmen among the six members of the party.

It is even more interested in the light of the most recent congress proposal. Guess, what? Oh, yes, MPP with Romania. And who proposed it? Plato aka Admin, personally.

It is interesting that Plato has any citizenship (apart from the Greek one, of course 🙂 - earlier he was simply a citizen of eRepublik, with a small European Union flag). As we can see, he approved for it and his approval was accepted by the_mihai, personally. The same day Plato proposed the MPP with Romania.

BTW, Plato also has a q5 food company, and he works with booster almost daily. He also fights (at least he has rank points).

The tracks and the chances are equal - I go by bike...
