Presidential Update 5/22/2011

Day 1,279, 15:24 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Hello America. How is your Sunday? Excellent, I hope. I have some presidential things to tell you today, America, like the fact that havocpwn won the raffle for a tank company. Good for him, I say. He'll be receiving the company somewhere between now and the end of time, whenever the admins feel like transferring it. Also, there's no guarantee that they'll ever feel like it.

eRepublik is a fantastic game.

There's another rebellion coming soon to an IRC near you. I received an invitation to attend a meeting of men tomorrow. Hopefully I can tie it into my busy schedule of watching cartoons and then googling their young female characters' rule 34 pics.

Anyways, as you can see, I'm very unhappy with the war module as it is, because it makes playing a role in a video game into a full-time job. If you're in a small country, then forget about it. In fact, I think that the NE bonus with this mod is only appreciated by unreasonably large countries who have far too frequent babybooms to be considered natural.

Greetings, programs

In other news, our very own US Special Forces Commanding Officer, Kell Draygo stepped down recently. He cites the fact that he has a real life as a source of his unfortunate inability to dedicate enough time to run the internet Special Forces.

Stepping up to the hot seat is xDavidx, who's been Draygo's second in command.

I've been working with xDavidx plenty since we created the SF, and he does a very good job in command. He'll do a great job, I know, and I wish him the best of luck in command.

Look at this:

The guy's name is Alfagrem. He's British. He started a RW in Jersey for no apparent reason. From what I'm told, he fancies himself as a strategist, so I'm assuming he thought he would free Jersey so Canada would have one less Congressman next month, as if that's a bad thing or something. I guess he had no idea that Jersey was just as worthless to Canada as it is to everyone else in the world. They just took it off our hands because they're nice like that.

So the grand total of the event is that he stayed at his computer for 16 hours in a row, pumping his credit card number into eRepublik.

In summation: Alfagrem is a loser neckbeard.

President Emerick
May 22, 2011
Day 49
Signing out