Praise to the Admins

Day 1,198, 23:17 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

Finally, they do something great for the game!

We no longer need to worry about Multis as they can't move their gold anymore through the MM because now that there's a daily limit! I'll admit, looking through pages of Multi reports surely isn't the most efficient use of the Admins' time. A little sacrifice on the part of the non-cheaters is necessary sometimes!

As for the CPs and people that were permabanned...well I'm sure they were cheaters anyways. I mean, there's no way that someone can get to that office without doing some funny business. Admins were totally justified in their actions!

As for the military units, I'll have to wait 'til my next grad school loan refund to buy some gold, but by-golly I'm making me a unit! The ability to communicate with squad members will be awesome! Totally worth the gold!!!

Anyways, thanks Admin for really listening to what us players have to say! Its nice that you're so responsive to our ideas and have acted to rid our game of REAL cheaters, bad CPs, and have given us more fun in the military units! Can't wait for the next idea that you guys come up with! Oh, btw, there's really no need to tell us in advance, I mean, this is your enterprise, and you needz to make money in RL, I completely understand. I only wish I had more RL money to give to support all your hard work!!!
