Political parties and Party President elections

Day 752, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover
Political Party's - Party President elections
Congress Elections
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A list of the political parties in the UK
Top 5

TUP The Unity Party
UKRP United Kingdom Reform Party
RFA Radical freethinkers Alliance
BEP British empire Party
PCP People's Communist Party

The top 5 parties in the UK hold most of the power being able to get players elected into congress. Party's below 5 sometimes get congress members by getting players elected through other party's and them getting them to move over.

6th and below
FDP Free Democratic Party
The SI community Party
BL British Loyalists
UKU UK Unite
The Norsefire party of the UK

I have only included the top ten parties because other parties have too few members. I decided to include the top 10 Parties in the UK presently

Please chose wisely before you decide to join any party and make sure you know exactly what the party stands for before joining, [example] there maybe 2 far right wing party's that believe in opposite things for the same problem. i.e. deciding which alliance is best.

Every month a every political party on the eWorld has 3 very important stages

5th - CP elections - the most important job in the whole of the UK, The TOP DOG
15th - PP elections - run's the party
25 - PM elections - Get's elected to congress and helps to run the country

Party President elections
On the 15th of every month a Party President is elected for every party.
There will be a link to the election page where your normal work/train links are.
To vote all you have to do is click on the party from a drop down link and click on who you would like elected. Simple

The Party President has the power to decide who runs for congress for whatever region the player applies for that particular region.
Party Presidents also get to decide who there party should run for President or who to support.
You could say that the Party Presidents have all of the power because every party member need to prove there worthiness to the PP if they would like to run for congress and of course the President.

So being the Party President is all good then?
NO, definitely not, if the party loses seats in congress or loses popularity with the masses and loses members it can be very bad for the party and so does not look for the PP at the time.

The Party President has great power but with great power comes great responsibility.
If you decide to run for Party President please remember that it is not a job taken lightly, a lot of work has to be done so please be active on the forums, especially for the party

Thank you for reading