Political Hotspot

Day 2,826, 07:42 Published in United Kingdom Canada by JQXZ

Welcome to the twenty-fifth edition of Political Hotspot.

The party leadership elections have produced a couple of 'new' parties, with the GBDP being renamed The Techno Party, and the emergence of the New Green Party, which, confusingly, is authoritarian far-right wing. The New Green Party is run by The Moon King, the latest pretender to Woldy's throne.

In other news, the rise of Every Single One may have peaked, the party recorded a drop of one member since the last edition.

Party Leader election winners:

TUP: Madelina de Melrose
UKPP: Tangbod
UKRP: Fataliix
WRP: Aaron Mark Daniels
BDP: William Ross
ESO: Frixios of the Clyde
PCP: Keithunder (unopposed)
Spamicans: Horice G. Fossil (unopposed)
Techno (GBDP): Garth Lidlington M.D. (unopposed)
Greens (New Green Party): The Moon King
Tory Party: Powellite (unopposed)
Crackerjack is BACK: Zubrei (unopposed)
Corrupternment: kdoggroundtwo (unopposed - no votes)

God Save King Woldy!

The next edition of Political Hotspot will be published on Wednesday the 26th of August.