Plato is not creative. Help him.

Day 1,655, 03:02 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by ChaosGod

A few days ago Plato ( _|_ < - - if you read my article, this is for you) showed us how things are going to be. Buy gold, win wars. I am not one who will go against the flow, so I decided to help Plato with the creative part of ruining the game, because he lacks imagination (seriously, rockets, bombs and bazooka? Are you 5?)

All of these could be bought with gold or won by winning the “Buy Gold” medal (also coming soon). Prices will be set by Plato.

To finish what has been started, Atomic and Hydrogen bomb must be added.

Atomic bomb *

Deals 10 000 000 damage on the wall. Also destroys the region for a week. Destroyed regions will not give bonuses.

Hydrogen bomb *

It doesn’t deal damage. Instead, you win the battle. The region doesn’t give bonus for a month.

Now, you may say these bombs are pointless or too overpowered. Well, this is why the following item will also be introduced at the same time.

Force field *

Protects the wall from any form of nuclear weapons. Lasts only one round. Enemy doesn’t know you have a force field, so if you screw someone (make his nuclear bombs useless, you win a Protector medal)

So far nothing that interesting. But with the growing popularity of Sci-Fi, eRepublik should also keep up.

Alien Invasion *

This booster will randomly abduct enemies, making it impossible for them to fight. If the invasion is on a territory with cow bonus, the bonus is abducted for two days

Temporal Swap *

This item, when used, will add the damage of a previous battle hero to your damage.

Time Travel *

Use it to move the timer of the battle 5 minutes forward. The side with currently more damage will gain points for these 5 minutes. May be used up to 3 times per battle.

And where would a world be without magic?

Hire a Shaman *

Shamans heal the regions from the damage of the nuclear weapons.

Pixie *

They are an individual booster. They will protect you from alien invasions for a given time.

Genie in a Bottle *

Upon opening the bottle, a Genie will appear, asking you to choose one of the following options:
- Deal 500 000 damage
- Deal 1 000 000 damage
- Deal 1 500 000 damage
You will then deal a random amount of damage, because dealing with magic is a risky thing to do xD Also, this booster is cheaper for Turkish players.

I have other ideas, but I am tired of writing. Feel free to help Plato with your own ideas for weapons. Leave your comments in the comment section below. If I rofl at your idea, I will send you a tank.