People love to conquer America

Day 1,322, 18:26 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

And I've figured out why. It's not because they hate the country irl, it's not because it's humorous to conquer the most powerful country in real life in an internet game that was coded by a few guys who hoped that attaching irl names to guilds and clans would bring them massive amounts of Euros, it's not even because the people who conquer America on this internet game are clicking fight with one hand and furiously scrubbing themselves dirty with the other. No, it's all because of the cultural references. "Pig Mac", "Viva Lost Bases", et cetera. There are literally several cultural references that anyone in the game can make about America. And that's the most fun we'll find in this game.

To help make my point, how many can we make about, say, Hungry? Well, let's go over what we know about the country: they were relevant on the world stage in WW1, and then they disappeared forever and no one even knows what language they speak or how to spell it properly.

Ohio, the state that LeBron ran away from.

And don't take it the wrong way, Hungry, I know just how you feel. Because, Hungry, I used to live in Ohio. Never heard of it? Exactly. Ohio is like the Delaware of the heartland and Hungry is the Delaware of Europe. Also so is every other country in Europe that isn't France, Germany, or Greece. Greece is the Detroit of Europe. Scandinavia is something else entirely.

Point is, Hungry has no culture that anyone cares to care about, except maybe Rumania, which is where vampires come from, so their opinions are creepy.

That wasn't the point of this prose, the point is that America has beaucoup cultural references that everyone around the world knows and loves. Don't believe me? Post if you know who the LeBron character that I referenced above is. And then post if you know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. And then if you knew him before Terminator. Sure he's not Hungrian, but that's the point, isn't it? Who knows any Hungarian that wasn't assassinated in 1914? No one. That's who. Because America is exciting. Hungry, on the other hand, is an adjective.