PDS is Innocent!!!!

Day 1,042, 21:04 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

People of the ePhilippines,
I am here to show why our beloved ePresident of the ePhilippines is innocent of crimes charged by Jelly.
The new military module is now implemented by the eRep team and should be available to all enations in 24-40 hours. In anticipation to this new feature, eRep team have decided to have a training war in Philippines and Malaysia for players to see how this new military module is. Here is a quote from the admin's latest article "The new improved Military Module is live!":

in order for you to have a first contact with the improved Military Module, we will open a training battle between Malaysia and Philippine were you can see how the wars will look like “tomorrow”. admin

So, as you can see our ePresident is not guilty of any charges.