Palawan is under attack!!!!!

Day 1,129, 23:21 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

Fight for Palawan!

Our region is under attack by nasty creatures disguised as humans.

We cannot afford to let them get our precious Palawan.

During tomorrows election, they (nasty creatures) will be kidnapping and replacing congress candidates. (Recent reports have confirmed that at least 5 congress candidates have been abducted).

A control of the congress in Palawan by this nasty creatures would pave way to an alien invasion and maybe possible destruction of the whole nation.

Vote for me, sansae2, under the Neutral Philippines Movement.

I have already sent troops to Mars to combat this dangerous creatures and reports from the Apollo 143PH have reported successful results on all fronts. They are holding their ground and have captured a Martian ship where they are now combating waves and waves of enemy attacks.


With your vote, the Philippine flag would rise strong in our nation and in Mars.