Our Great Commander Pisco Soares aka "It's me, nothing more than me"

Day 3,154, 11:05 Published in Portugal Portugal by Atena Stark

Hail Pisco Soares, who has paid his last training!

The sun will never set on MEK! Our Great Commander Pisco Soares will lead us into the light!

(Wait a second... that doesn't seem right) 😑

But... who is Pisco Soares?
If we believe in the meaning of his name:

Pisco Soares has strong organizational skills coupled with discipline and a methodical mindset. He is straight, sincere and very courageous. With a life that is well balanced and structured he likes to know where things are going before taking action. With a methodical personality Pisco is especially good at organizing things, thanks to a high sense of order and discipline.

Pisco is able to work tirelessly until the set goal has been reached.
Pisco is very active, one could never find idling around.
He is sustainable, tangible and have a great sense of duty. Those who know him also know that he is a reliable person who seeks excellence.

He has an innate gift for organization, we could even ask him for it. He loves when events are planned, objects are classified and stored. There is very little room in his life for contingencies. For his entourage, it is sometimes difficult to understand and comply constantly with these set rules.

Pisco is a person with the very deep feelings, but can not always express them or rather don't know how to...

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