One more time!

Day 1,319, 17:10 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero

So I'm back. For those who have no idea who I am, whatever. For those who know me as the Green Party guy...well, you don't have to guess too hard as to why I have returned to the USA from my 1.5 years in eBelgium...

For my eBelgian subscribers/friends, hey. I know I said I was quitting, but I needed one last hurrah, and I think its best to come full circle. I'm going to revive the US Green Party! I've found the party that was the USGP, its now the "black bloc party"...with one member. The USGP stood for something, and was one of the most principled parties in the eUSA. I will restore the party. If you would like to join me in this endeavor, then I urge you to join the black bloc party and vote for me on the 15th.

More to come...
