Oglinda, a newspaper for all

Day 178, 05:24 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

For now on, Oglinda will have articles romanian and english, so everybody can read the newspaper and learn new stuff. I welcome all our new citizen and i await some to ask me some questions,that i will be glad to answer. Till a new articles i wish you a pleasant weekend and don't forget, if you subscribe you'll get a bonus at the end of the week.

De acum incolo ziarul Oglinda va avea articole scrise bilingv, romana si engleza, ca toti cetatenii sa poata citi ziarul si sa invete noi lucruri. Le urez bun venit tuturor cetatenilor si ii astept cu intrebari pe care o sa le raspund cu cea mai mare placere. Pana la noi articole, va urez un week-end placut si nu uitati, daca va abonati primiti supliment la sfarsit de saptamana

[a url=http://www.ecetateni.com/] Forum for citizens[/a]
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-243452.html]The Romanian Constitution[/a]