Obi-Wan Would Be Proud

Day 1,298, 07:28 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
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"What I told you was true, from a certain point of view. ... You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

Originally uttered in an effort to make up for George Lucas' widespread stupidity, these lines have become the hallmark for any politician caught in a horrid trap that they have set for themselves. Perhaps it's cynicism to suggest that many (most?) politicians are hypocritical revisionists of history who desperately hope that you don't notice the strings they are pulling. Perhaps you don't like people who suggest this is a problem. Particularly if you're the marionette.

It has been a mere 4 days since Rolo took office - 4 days during which the media module exploded, Congress became a hotbead of activity (relatively speaking), and back-and-forth chain shouts denouncing various characters was a new norm. As is our fashion in Canada, a few of us jumped to the immediate conclusion that this was Activity, and that because All Activity is Good, clearly Rolo must be Good.

No matter where you stand on the Rolo Impeachment, I can't help but wonder how you came to such a conclusion. The media was just as active during the "I Love DAL" scandals of yestermonth, and yet I didn't see anyone praising Kazuo for his ability to 'get people interested in the game'. People are already intersted in this game, but from time to time someone does something egregiously annoying, and that gives Canada something to write & shout about. Kazuo gave us partisanship. Ironman gave us sad panda betrayal. And now Rolo arrives with Infamy. I get greatly uncomfortable around people who can only enjoy this game when something horribly frustrating is happening. I get a kick out of war and tight elections too, but I don't need them to login in the morning. I'd hit up the IRC even if it was just Neoice and I. Mostly because I'm a lifeless turd.

Who's thirsty?

The Impeachment that is in process (17-11, 12 votes still absent) will likely fail. Not by as large of a margin as I had originally thought, but there are reasons for that. It's why I'm not an economist. 😉 Despite Congress' seeming acceptance of Rolo's presidency, it is not for the reasons that others have suggested. I consider myself a professional Lurk, and having read many posts by many congressmen, I'm seeing very few "now we can negotiate" sentiments.

What I have seen, in quantities roughly around a 17-11 ratio, is frustration. Frustration that Canadians had the bravado to elect our most infamous active criminal (the others are all asleep), frustration that Canadians are shooting at one another, and frustration that we are still wrestling with a feud that began 10 months ago - if not earlier. A proposed division of the Congress camps suggests 3 groups - Loyal, Wary, and Butthurt. 'Butthurt' are the only group espoused to be voting "Yes" today. If this perspective is true, then nearly 50% of Congress is part of the Butthurt Brigade. So why aren't we seeing that in the media?

'Rylde and Supabeasty are horrible nasty traitors' ... Okay, fine, but their desire to vote yes does not define the entirety of Congress. Their position is an extreme, a group of people willing to overlook their harmful behaviour because doing so suits them. They find a parallel group in the opposite extreme - a group, equally small, of those Loyals who will stand by Rolo because it has become their station to protect Rolo's 'qualities as a leader'. Curiously this is often in great contradiction to their stance on Presidential Morals from barely a month ago.

The majority of Congress, farbeit from being blindingly Loyal or Butthurt, are caught in the middle. They are annoyed and uncomfortable with a situation they never wanted to inherit, and which most of them do not want to speak publicly about. What Congressman wants to be caught where they are now? Support a voting public who elected a criminal, or go against that mandate and throw him out in favour of an untested Muglack? What makes this decision all the more difficult is the apparent consensus that for this month - and this month alone - the voters made a 'conscious choice' to deliberately elect Rolo as an alternative to old faces. ...Because Rolo is a new player, and we have always attributed electoral victory to informed voting in the past.

Whether slightly on the side of 'at least he's competent' or 'but he's still a thief', the Congressmen I have spoken to do not feel strongly about their positions. They do not see today as the "Shall we Forgive Rolo" that certain pundits have paraded it as. Certainly a failed Impeachment would send that message, and be interpreted as forgiveness, but Congress has already declared (if only in a whisper) that they have no interest in a Pardon.

Both sides, I think, raise respectable points. Congress is justified to be nervous about Impeaching Rolo if he actually is the mechanical mastermind Addy has assured us of. Especially if Aeriala's claims that Muglack is a snuggler of Ryldeybear prove true. By the same token, "It's Rolo", and I can understand that being reason enough to want to ask him none too kindly to get off the lawn.

What surprises me most is an argument that flows like this:

"There isn't much the mob can do to Rolo to get the gold back. ...Negotiate with him."

Addy is quite right - no one can force Rolo to give the gold back. Mechanics cannot do it, nor do we have the mystical powers that some people seem to think appropriate. The theft isn't, by the way, illegal - the minute someone entrusts real money to any part of eRepublik, all claims are forfeit. Even if that gold was invested in via credit card.

Where this argument falls short is the notion that, since we cannot possibly force Rolo to give it back, he will simply do so of his own accord. Certainly this is possible - he campaigned on it (if briefly) - and it would represent a change in character not impossible in our little virtual world. But my immediate question is - why? Why do we believe that Rolo is interested in reforming his ways now, only after months of behaviour to the contrary? Perhaps because we have a trinket - the presidency - that he would like to keep? And if he doesn't give it back eventually (but of course, now is asking too much), then we will impeach him? This does not make sense to my miniscule mind.

We can talk about honour, honesty, loyalty, and unity until we're blue in the face, but at the end of the day, this is a game. People will do what they want to do regardless of our moral standings, and this all too often includes complete contradiction only weeks apart.

I don't write the rules, I just comment on them. See you around, Canada.