
Day 2,699, 09:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by playerunknown

so it seems unfortunately despite putting up a hell of a fight the UK will be taken over by MEK who are too weak to fight UK directly. instead they have to use the dirty tactic of a dictatorship to take uk which is rather pathetic

so much for the mighty MEK...

but while the battle finishes up i wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their support

first i would like to thank UKs allies that came over to support the country.

secondly i want to thank everyone from the IDA who have fought for us and democracy no matter their stance on the UK is. we had players from poland, chile, serbia, ukraine and many other countries across the eworld come and fight. they put aside their differences and came together and fought for a very good and important cause and did billions of damage for democracy.

and lastly i want to thank those who didnt come to fight because they are allied with the UK or because they are apart of the IDA but because they came out of the kindness of their heart... and maybe the epic battles and COs :d

note on IDA

this is a bit of a set back for the IDA but it is a good example of what we will be up against and the power of some of the military units in the game. i think from here on we need to focus on increasing our power and getting more known out in the eWorld in the hope that more players will join us and fight for democracy

i believe we also need to work on a system to be able to quickly react to military coups so we can notify IDA members as soon as possible it was not till the end of the first battle until the IDA was told of the UK coup.

my advice to UK

i have a little bit of advice for the UK on what to do now you are welcome to take them or leave them

1. dont buy products from UK market place buy from a foreign market place instead

now that MEK will have control of the UK they also get control of the taxes and we need to avoid giving them our money. so instead buy products from foreign markets (preferably from allied countries) to avoid giving them money from VAT.

i also recommend using this tool to find cheapest prices in erepublik http://www.erepublikanalyzer.com/MercadoRanking.aspx

2. try to work as a manager as little as possible

it is likely they will increase work tax so i would suggest working in companies as a manager as little as possible as not only could it be expensive for you but would be a big source of income for them.

3. get wiped

a sure way to really decrease tax is to get wiped. i recommend the UK ask an ally such as croatia to wipe the UK and to give back norway regions until the UK regains control of its government. in a complete wipe this would lower tax income for MEK to just 20% giving 80% to one of our allies which is a much better preference.

also being wiped means that our new dictator cannot accept citizenship requests.

4. get a decent CP

max blue seems like a good person his manefesto was quite good even if it did not include anything about mofa and his stance on IDA in my opinion is good. but in the time we have had him as CP barely anything has been achieved other than throwing Chile out into the trash. the referendum still hasnt happened, there seemed to be no actual plan in case of something like this happening other than just hope for the best, he let MEK walk away with 210k (to be fair so did congress) and he just does not really seem at all active. after 3 days i am still waiting for him to answer a question from me.

edit: i take it back he is not a very nice guy and he cant even take simple criticism

5. work with the IDA

whoever is to be in charge on the legitimate UK government i recommend strongly on working with the IDA on planning the revolution on the UK to ensure that it is successful.

6. plan ahead

for 10 days at least UK will be stuck with dictatorship. in this time the UK finally needs to do the referendum and make a solid plan for when the UK it gets out of dictatorship. now is the time to work together to ensure the security of the UK in the future.

unfortunate events

one of the big reasons that we really didn't stand a chance is because it is MEK day. MEK day is when MEK members used all their EBs, bazookas, bombs and other weapon supplies that they have saved up over the year which you can imagine amounts to big damage. unfortunately we only found this out half way through the battle when we could see already that we had lost.

a final thank you

i want to give a final thank you gift to those that helped the UK so you can have a safe trip home, so comment below to receive 15 Q7 weapons and a Q5 ticket 🙂

something to look at for the journey home... 😃