Day 2,028, 05:58 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Stop and end the PTO Join HOPE or PANDA! The endless PTO hurts ...

The last article that came out of my paper was the begining of a new era. I have found new inspiration and i realy want to thank Donkey Pedro, GWJunior, swaqqcoryn, Manneken pis and evryone in Hope and Panda for the great work.

I want to write about the lack of Democracy and openness in batches, government, and parties in Belgium. I wanted to start earlyer fighting the power horny elite but like manny "RIP AVEGAN" I got bored in politics ... making people bored is the elite's biggest weapon! DONT GET BORED JOIN HOPE OR PANDA!!

What strikes me and makes me sad is our Countrys policy, you follow the elite or you get banned and wil become the black sheep. According to this large group (I think) our EBelgian politics is the same shit that guides us in our daily lives. I do not know exactly what they really have in mind, but I suspect it coves the indiscriminate disputes in the comments or other discomforts that deep in the noble breasts.

Politics of Love! Thats what you want?

Do you think that this is easy and that this wil unite us all?? Not at all!!, it wil be a constant batlle against the power hungry freaks who are out on you'r money, more taxes, more citizen feas, higher market prices and a GOV that opresses. I write this to make you angry because this game gives you different options and if someone wants to become a part of the freedom fighters in HOPE and PANDA i say to him JOIN US TODAY!!
