New Missions - NOVE MISIJE (When Plato say 5 he means 3 ) EDIT

Day 1,403, 05:11 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by Vladika.

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I recieved a message from Plato:
Plato | 14 minutes ago
Dear citizen, This autumn eRepublik prepared lots of surprises for you! Starting today at 00:00 server time, until the end of September, you will collect 30% more products after you work, get 30% more strength for the daily training and 30% more gold for every purchase! And this is not all! Five new limited time missions are waiting to be solved and to bring you cool rewards: energy bars, bazookas, rank points and strength! Check My Land and Gold and Extras for more details: Best regards, Plato

Great news, I said, then I went to see this five new missions. But, Unfortunatly, there was only three of them:
Harvest time (I)

In autumn the crops are richer than usual, so hurry up and harvest your raw material buildings for 30% more productivity until the end of September.

Mission available until day 1,410

Collect 750 food raw materials from your buildings
Collect 750 weapon raw materials from your buildings

Work in your food raw materials an weapon raw materials buildings

1 free land
1 energy bar
Training time

Important battles are waiting to start this autumn so you should increase your training rhythm. Now it's even easier, because until the end of September your training camps provide 30% more strength!.

Mission available until day 1,410

Have 3 training camps on land
Gain 50 strength


+50 strength
1 bazooka
Harvest time (II)

More raw materials mean more products. Increase your efforts because until the end of September you will produce 30% more foods and weapons

Mission available unti day 1410

Produce 500 units of Food
Produce 50 weapons


10 XP
1 energy bar

Great missions, nice prices, but, where are two more? Or maybe they are hidden missions ? 🙂

From our unnoficial sourrces we found out a 4th mission 🙂

There is a roumor the a reward is a Rank Up 🙂 2500 rank points 😉


Upravo sam dobio putuku od velikog Platoa, koji me obavjestava :

Plato | 14 minutes ago
Dear citizen, This autumn eRepublik prepared lots of surprises for you! Starting today at 00:00 server time, until the end of September, you will collect 30% more products after you work, get 30% more strength for the daily training and 30% more gold for every purchase! And this is not all! Five new limited time missions are waiting to be solved and to bring you cool rewards: energy bars, bazookas, rank points and strength! Check My Land and Gold and Extras for more details: Best regards, Plato

do kraja Septembra dobijamo bonus od 30% na trening, 30 $ bonusa na rad i 30 % bonusa na svaki kupljeni gold.
Ali, to nije sve, PET novih misija ceka na vas. Kljucna rijec je PET, jer ih nema bez 3, osim ako nisu neke skrivene.
Mada, ni te 3 nisu nesto pretjerano teske, a i nagrade nisu za baciti.
Dakle, evo misija:

Sve misije treba rijesiti do dana 1410!!!

Zetva (I)

Potrebno je:

Sakupiti 750 sirovina za proizvodnju hrane iz vasih fabrika
Sakupiti 750 sirovina za proizvodnju oruzja iz vasih fabrika


1 bespatno polje za gradnju fabrike
1 energy bar
Vrijeme je za trening

Potrebno je:

Da imate izgradjena 3 trening kampa na svojem posjedu.
Sakupiti 50 snage trenirajuci


50 snage
1 bazuka

Zetva (II)

Potrebno je:

Proizvesti 500 jedinica hrane u svojim fabrikama
Proizvesti 50 jedinica oruzja u svojim fabrikama


10 XP
1 energy bar

Iz jos uvijek nepotvrdjenih izvora saznali smo i za cetvrtu misiju:

Dakle, potrebno je savladati 100 neprijatelja a nagrada je 2500 rank poena.