My Fellow Britons

Day 1,310, 10:14 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

ITT I'm going to discuss the state of our fine country just for the hell of it.

Now, as most of you know, I'm a native-borne American. As you also know, Americans are our enemies because, as Britons, we have serious inferiority complexes due to the quick shrinkage of our nation over the past 300 years, and the quick inflation of our egos to boot. It's simple energy transfer: Boyle's Law of Thermodynamics. We all learned it in Primary School. No surprise, but it's maddeningly annoying to anyone who wishes to converse with us. Nevertheless, we continue. In the game, we've learned how to team up with countries with similar problems, such as the Servians.

brb tea

Now let's talk about the queen. As we know, our queen and her family serves as our largest paperweight in our democratic republic/royal sideshow. The lovely royal wedding, for example, only cost us a few billion pounds. Talk about holding down the paper! And let us not forget how we screwed over Australia using Her Majesty's Power in the 90's. Dohohoho, good times.

But enough bollocks, let's get back to eRepublik.

This country loves treaties. There is no country ever in the history of ever that's signed more treaties than my country, the internet United Kingdom. And just like all civilised countries, the UK breaks them all. Because, as we all know, treaties are created for the benefit of one party(usually for FA props), signed by others as a sign of fealty, and then disposed of by the first party whenever it gets in the way of other things. kumnaa got the UK out of the Raleigh Treaty in 2009, and in the coming month, the UK people will get their country out of this annoying little Strasbourg Treaty. It's the English way.

All in all, I'm excited to be in a new country, and I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into here. Wish me luck~