Looking for teachers, and other notes

Day 966, 10:03 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

As some of you may have already seen in my original post on the eUS forums, Harrison Richardson is founding the University of Publius, a research university, and I'm helping him run it as the dean.

We are looking for teachers to teach one of our main courses: economics, military, politics or history. HR has funds reserved for teacher salaries, teachers will be compensated.

This is a research university, we want teachers not only who are knowledgeable, but more importantly, willing to lead the way for new information, especially with the arrival of V2. The game is changing and we need new knowledge to help us.

When the university is opened, tuition for students will be free, but this article is looking for teachers only right now. Stay tuned to this newspaper and Harrison Richardson's newspaper for more details.

Please send me or Harrison Richardson a message if you're interested in teaching.


The green !! button on the left had been down for over four days, but it's back now finally. Please catch up on all your favorite newspapers, and I'm glad the admins finally got around to fixing a feature that had worked since the early days of V1.


I do have to give credit to the admins when it is due, and I approve of the most recent formula change outlined in the latest eRepublik insider:

That means that if you see in marketplace some food which gives for example 3 health and 6 happiness, this is exactly what you are going to get the next morning, regardless your current health and happiness

This will make figuring out our wellness/happiness much easier without killing industry too much. People who can afford high-happiness or high-wellness food will still buy it, we'll just work, train and study more.


However, I don't like that it looks like the admins are delaying the release the military module even more by continuing beta testing. Not only is this game significantly more dull without war, but war drives our economy. It's near-impossible to have a strong economy without war, and it's hard gauge what products to invest in or buy.

I don't understand how V2/Rising was released without the war module being ready. But I guess we'll just have to wait it out.


Dr. Tango has a great explanation on how tax dollars are spent.

Read the latest White House Press Release for important information about North Korea and how to help our government. Subscribe too, and vote up all their articles.

Charmader95 is starting The Best eUS Newspaper Tournament. It's an honor to be nominated, please be sure to vote for whichever newspapers you think are the best:


UPDATE: I forgot a link. Jude Connors' latest article is a must-read for his thoughts on Colin Lantrip and Congress.