Looking around this FINE COUNTRY

Day 1,311, 07:33 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

Doing my daily routine, I noticed that I only got 8.5 str with my training, as opposed to the 9 str that I got in America. Being the authority on eRepublik that I am, I knew that this could only mean one thing: the UK has no Natural Enemy.

Now, of course this is all jamesw's fault, but we can also easily blame it on the UK Congressmen who failed to accept Jhorlin's NE proposal yesterday. Why they refused to NE the United States is, honestly, beyond me. It's not like there's anything to lose from it, except our MPP with France and Japan.

France holds no purpose for the UK. The Strasbourg Treaty is an outdated concept, and we're going to toss them aside in favor of ONE any day now. And I don't want you to think that I'm saying that there's anything wrong with that - in fact, ONE holds a lot more promise for the UK than Germany and France does. The UK people know this, but some simply refuse to "betray more allies". Pish posh. Japan, however, we can turn to the dark side. That's an MPP we want to hold on to, and one we want to support whenever possible. We can never underestimate Japan's hatred for China, and their bitterness for the deal they were all but forced into all those months ago. To be fair to China, though, it's not their leaders who have been belligerent to Japan, but their people. When China made the deal to rent a few regions from Japan rather than to wipe it from existence, the Chinese people called their president a traitor and other nasty things. Now, just to put this into perspective for you - imagine if our president were to make a peace deal with Ireland. People would be in an uproar.

Now, back to this failed NE proposal. Our congress' failure here cannot be overlooked. I, personally, won't be voting for a single incumbent with my many votes. Let me explain, in two words, why this NE should have been a no-brainer: five countries. That's what the US is up against. No one with a positive IQ thinks that the US will be able to stand up to this, so why the shit not? They wouldn't fight against us when there are real threats to deal with. And trust me, they're trying to deal. Why, during a conversation with the fake military's commanding officer last night, I was told that "they will have to pry the US out of [his] cold, dead hands". He's a silly child.

Sure, we're no serious force(unless Alfag is neckbearding in the battle), but come on. There is no risk here, at all. Will we lose some Irish regions? For sure, but that's the best part - after the US is wiped, we can invade Ireland again. Right? Right.

Moving on, the tax system in this country is horrendous. We're supposedly simulating a free market here, on the internet, in a game where a military junta is the best reign possible. Why on Earth aren't we taxed to death for the glory of our unstoppable army? (Using the term "unstoppable loosely here.) Speaking of buyer's rights, worker's rights, or any rights at all is honestly just retarded. The only "right" you should be talking about is the right thing to do, which is to stuff everyone into one commune system, ramp taxes up, and supply as much as possible. We have 60% bonuses on both sides, which, for a country our size, is pretty damn good. Why we're not operating at max efficiency is beyond me, and I expect to see some changes immediately.

In other news, the GBP is worthless.