Log on eRep, see this. What do?!?!

Day 712, 19:20 Published in USA USA by Halfie

I dont know if youve been paying attention but there are battles and stuff going on.

Croatia, one of the top members of EDEN is in the middle of a 3-woman one-man foursome. And one of those bitches brought a strap-on(eHungary). eSerbia and some unknown country called eSlovenia Launched a triple whammy on Croatia in an attempt to take out its MPP's (Mutual Protection Pacts for the noobs).

Russia also tried to join in the fun by attacking Alaska but we retreated to let our Bros in eCanada smack 'em around. :d

Current DoD orders are to defend Slavonia to 450 thousand No mans land and after that Defend NW Croatia

My Grandparents are RL Croatians so dont fuck this up guys. Or ill kill you all.