Leaders, Wars, and Hermits

Day 995, 13:51 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Isn't this a fun picture?

Hello again, Canada.

It's been a while hasn't it? For the past two days, I have been entering eRepublik only long enough to work and check my thankfully barren inbox. Mostly I work so that my employer (who is desperately cheap) does not fire me. I certainly deserve it.

The recent Media Asplosion, like its many Headless Chicken friends, left me very unwilling to do things ingame unless I absolutely had to. But that's all taken care of now, so I can return to "doing my job", "leading a party", and "keeping the country informed". These, I am told, are the things I should be doing.

Everyone else uses these, aren't I allowed?

For the past 3 months I have returned to enjoy the wonderful world...country...text that is eCanada. A lot has happened in this time. A swan known as V1 finished singing, and now V2 is here. For those of you who know what books I fancy, I can tell you with certainty that V2 was born from a chicken's egg hatched under a toad.

Ironman left, DUE never existed, Acacia laughed at my creepy white van jokes and several toilets were burgled. I didn't start the fire.

Why am I writing this odd little thing?

First and foremost, because September is coming and that means Sperry will be returning to his hole in the ground. 2-clicking is just as easy in V2 as it was in V1, and my "life" absolutely demands that I be totally useless for the next 9 months. I will, of course, be finishing off my remaining 3 jobs (give me any more and I will hit you with something). Congress and Cabinet both have the potential to be very useful, and I don't want that to be pissed out the window.

This Sunday we will go to the polls again for the Party Presidencies. I will be voting for Ozymandias Malifozic. Ozy is an excellent player and party member, and has experience with running EPIC. Moreover, he's my boss, and if I don't vote for him I'll probably get a pay cut.

Can't have that happen, now can I?

And you thought I would stoop to using mostly naked women! Never!

eCanada doesn't change much. There are surface differences - which parties are new, which people are in power, and so on; but on the whole it's not that different from where I left it a year ago. One political group has been in charge for several months, we are at war, we are "working on a new constitution", and I'm still a blowhard.

I have no doubt that, when I wander back into the fray next Spring, that a lot of things will still be going on. Probably the only difference will be Nosyt cranking out his 16th month as PP, rather than his 6th.


I like it here, I'm not actually dead (but should be), and while I'm crawling off you can probably look forward (depressingly) to my return in May.

You're all lovely.
Best as always;


A few of you are still messaging me asking for interviews with "the man who dared to overthrow Acacia". You're cute.