Kylero for CP

Day 1,260, 15:39 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

My fellow eBelgians,

After days of debate, I have decided to run for President of eBelgium! I hope to prove that we can transform eBelgium into a beacon of freedom and transparency.

Domestic Affairs
This is the most important issue in my opinion and will be intensely focused on during my Presidency. I plan to:

1. Utilize our centralized news agency,, to its fullest extent. Daily publishings of what was discussed throughout eBelgium the previous day, what was discussed on the forums, votes that are taking place, everything. This will allow the two-clickers to know that there is activity in our country.
2. I will appoint a Consumer Rights Advisor. This person will monitor the eBelgian market to see which companies are price gouging or disenfranchising the consumers of eBelgium. Those who are found guilty of such deeds will be called out! They will find themselves in the next day's briefing, and their employees will be encouraged to find employment elsewhere.
3. Get more people through advertising campaigns. Play on the weaknesses of other countries, and offer eBelgium as a place they can live out their ambitions.

Futhermore, work on the revision or replacement of our Constitution will be completed in my term.

Foreign Affairs
We're a small country, but we are a proud one! I advise against joining any alliances that will only get us into a war for no fault of our own. I will not waste our treasure on alliance taxes that we receive no benefit from.

We have a lot of friends around the world, and I plan to keep up the good work of previous CPs and build strong bonds with our allies.

eRep f'd up the economy, so its tough to say what my plans are. But rest assured, I won't let this country fail economically.

I recognize my chances may be slim this month. But what's an election with only one person? Also, should anything happen to my'll always have me! 🙂

In solidarity,

Candidate for President of eBelgium