Kylero for BFB PP

Day 1,392, 10:28 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

In my opinion, eBe's interests are democracy, equality, and unity.

Democracy. I feel that some in this country would like to set up an oligarchy that is built into law (i.e. unelected positions of authority on par with the elected). We are witnessing a time of great uncertainty. As an older player (comparatively), and an experienced politician in eBe, I think I would be a good choice to ensure that our democracy remains strong.

Equality. French, Dutch, American, UK, we all come from different places in RL. We all speak different languages. But we are all eBelgians, that is for certain. If we need to become bilingual, trilingual, be it! I'd support that. We have more than enough people in this country that can be translators. And if it counts for anything, in RL, I'm a Canadian, living in the USA, of Dutch (Friesan) descent, and I speak English, French, and a little Dutch.

Unity. What the F happened? New forums? It seems as if some want to grab power in the uncertainty of eBe, rather than work to restore our nation. As a small country, we cannot afford to be fragmented. The only thing we can pride ourselves on IS our community, and if that goes, so does eBelgium. Smarten up people!

Hope this gives you some perspective as how I see current events, and why I am deserving of being the next PP of the BFB!

And last but not least...

For the gents...

...and the ladies...