Kylero's Memoirs: USGP Years (Months)

Day 1,277, 18:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

Here is my second installment of my memoirs. These detail my months as a PP of the US Green Party. I became PP a month after I joined the game.

The Green Party Years (months)
In my very first article, I came out against the current leadership of the USGP. I set forth an agenda to transform the USGP into something greater and when I was able to, I threw my hat in the ring to become the PP for the month of August. On the promise of new forums and a party Org, I won the USGP August PP election overwhelmingly, and became a mentor for the young Astra Kat G (the most famous red head in the eUSA ever).

With a coherent organizational structure, the USGP thrived under my leadership and moved from the 11th most populous party to 7th. I was returned to the PP-ship again in the month of September because of my strong leadership during the North American War in which the eUS was reduced to the state of Florida. In September, party membership skyrocketed from 40 to over 100 because of my persistence and patience with young players. By this time the USGP was full of young and energetic citizens and I felt that stepping aside for a month or two would help party retention by giving other players the chance to lead the party.

In the month of October, I did not run for PP and supported TimothyBeasely. This proved to be costly as the USGP was subject to an immature attack (recognized as a domestic PTO) by the infamous Jimmy Loomis. Loomis proceeded to delete the party forums and destroy the party altogether. I later referred my show of generosity of giving Loomis the ownership of the forums as the "single biggest mistake of my eLife".

Following the Loomis PTO, the active USGP members went into exile by joining the Federalists and plotted their triumphant return. I led this effort and created a new forum site seemingly over night. The next month, the party was regained by Sam Kraus. I later won the PP again in the month of December.

During the months that I was PP of the USGP, I made some more friends. People like TimothyBeasley, Sam Krause, and Jamaracus came into my eLife during this time. Again most, if not all of these people have passed away, and I miss their friendship.

More to come...

Kylero's Memoirs: The Beginning
Kylero's Memoirs: USGP Years
Kylero's Memoirs: Move to eBelgium, An Expose
Kylero's Memoirs: The eBelgium Years
*Kylero's Memoirs: Reflections and Hopes for Tomorrow*

*I have been debating on whether to do a complete "tell all" in this article. Should I do so, it would expose some secrets that will forever change eBelgium and potentially my lasting image. As an incentive to do this, I would like to raise 50 gold to give to the needy of eBelgium and throughout the world. If I do not receive this donation, you will never know the deep dark secrets that I hold...
