Kylero's Memoirs: The Beginning

Day 1,276, 11:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

So this is it, my tell all (well, the first part). A lot of this information you can find on my wiki, but I'll tell you a bit of my beginnings on eRep here.

A Star Is Born

My first avatar

So I started this game July 13th, 2009. I was at work as a university library worker, which allowed me to waste vast amounts of time on the internet, and on facebook, I saw an advertisement for eRepublik. I clicked on the ad and it brought me to the site. I made my citizen, Kylero, which is comes from my RL first name and middle name (REDACTED).

I joined up, got a job, and looked around at the game and became instantly hooked. Politics was my thing. I looked at the wiki and learned all I could about this awesome game. I looked at the eUSA government, its parties, its congress, and I told myself, I was going to be something big. I spent a lot of time on the site, even though I couldn't do really anything because I was such a noob.

I looked at the laws that were passed, and saw that our minimum wage was only 1 USD. I wanted to model my character after the RL Ralph Nader (if you don't know who he is, look him up). Therefore, I went on the forums for the United States Workers' Party (USWP), which was the largest at the time, and questioned why a party that is supposedly for the workers allowing them only to be paid 1 USD. That is when I got my first glimpse into the mechanics of the game, not to mention the elder elite vs. the ignorant noob.

After that, I wanted to be part of a party, but couldn't decide which one. That was until I found the US Green Party. It was pretty much dead, no activity, few members, and the perfect place for me to fulfill my ambitions. Before I was able to be a candidate, I started writing articles for the USGP, talking about how we needed to do things better. I publicly denounced the current USGP PP, Florgan, calling him inept to do his job. This was only because I wanted to be PP.

Harrison Richardson was the President of the eUSA at this time, and he got us into WWIII. I remember calling him out because of it, and being put in my noob place.

I became friends with a number of people including: Astra Kat G, CitizenAnarchy, SubcommanderMarcos, Kyle Galli, StygianSteel, Osmany Ramon, and other USGP members. Many are now deceased, and I miss them. I will soon be joining them in the eAfter Life however.

More to come...

Kylero's Memoirs: The Beginning
Kylero's Memoirs: USGP Years
Kylero's Memoirs: Move to eBelgium, An Expose
Kylero's Memoirs: The eBelgium Years
*Kylero's Memoirs: Reflections and Hopes for Tomorrow*

*I have been debating on whether to do a complete "tell all" in this article. Should I do so, it would expose some secrets that will forever change eBelgium and potentially my lasting image. As an incentive to do this, I would like to raise 50 gold to give to the needy of eBelgium and throughout the world. If I do not receive this donation, you will never know the deep dark secrets that I hold...
