Just a Little Bit of Commentary on International Happenings

Day 1,326, 20:55 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

First off, I'm sure you've all seen that Macedonia is displeased with Servia. Greece and Servia have been showing each other respect, and have been toying with the idea of allying for over a year. I'm actually surprised that Greece didn't leave Eden for ONE to team up with Servia. It has something to do with belonging to a sect of Catholicism that has one tiny difference of belief from the rest of us. It's crazy, but what do you expect from Greece and Servia.

Anyways, Servia's response to Macedonia was as bland and predictable as it was disregardable. Saying that your people don't represent the views of your government might be true, for a time, but it should never be used as an excuse. Because, as those of us in democratic society know, the will of the people becomes the will of the government. Because the government are all elected representatives.

But maybe Servia doesn't know that much about democracy. That's ok, because I know a guy who's great at teaching people about it.

And his little dog

Now onto Argentina

Argentina is a country that knows all about brotherhood. Even when in Terra, they never gave up their friendship with Indo, and even out of Terra, they're not bending to ONE's pressure to give up Brozil.

You have to respect that.

This may be a foreign concept to some people, but having your country on the map isn't the most important thing around here. If this game is still around a year from now, when the 5 ONE countries have used up all their friends and puppets, and their people have realized, like most of us, that this game is awful, the rest of the world will deliver unto them punishment that '45 Germany would cringe at.

And people like Argentina will be remembered for their sacrifice. There's probably a parable that relates to this, but I don't know anything about stuff like that.

This is for Argentina

Finally, Uraguay

Uragay continues to be the most irrelevant country in the game.