Join the Family! [CrOmega]

Day 2,262, 23:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eIreland, CrOmega is now recruiting.

If you’re a player who wants a new challenge, or find a place to stay and to meet new friends, to have fun in the game in every possible way then you’ll be happy to read this article. CrOmega is MU of friends, a family. We’re truly acting as one.

You can read more about our methods and other informations about CrOmega, how we functionate and what we do in this articles:
All about us
Our methods and finances

What we require from our members?
-To be IRC active
-To wear our uniform
-To contribute somehow to society
-To be a team-player and have a sense of humour

If you’re D1-2 soldier:
-Be active on IRC
-Just train, don’t fight. It’s explain why in “All about us” article
-Become an ambassador or contribute to society in some other way
-Write articles, meet other players.
-Learn skills - Economic and military (You will recieve mentor)

If you’re D3 soldier:
-Fight only in important battles
-Be active on IRC
-Help younger members

If you’re D4 soldier:
-Work in the company
-Be active on IRC - Especially during the strikes

What we give to our members?
-We’re suppling our D4 soldiers (10-16 weps per day)
-We offer our younger members tutorials and help
-We give money to most active new players to raise their Training Grounds
-We offer you your own group, your eFamily

CrOmega is a MU originally made for raising new players into strong soldiers, in the beginning we’ve been only D1-2 MU, but now we’re already MU for all divisions. Our philosophy of playing is kinda simple, we believe in our moto: “Don’t give people fish, learn them how to catch one”. By this, we mean on supplies, we just don’t give them, we make sure our members have enough knowledge to learn how to make enough money to buy weapons for themselves. Of course, we award our most active players with symbolic award every day.

Our goal is to build strongest D3 MU in the eWorld, but also strong D4 MU and in the meantime raise and prepare new players to get involved in our MU. Our most important moto is “We grow together” ; that means that with your development you’re helping develop CrOmega, that’s the only thing we want from you, to develop yourself. Once we become strong D3 MU then we’ll be able to decide about outcome of the battles and contribute our countries and allies more then we’re able at this point.

I wish you much luck and long staying in CrOmega, until the end of your eLife, we wish you luck to contribute your community.

With your behaviour anywhere, on #itrade channel, on Monetary market, in your comments, in your party, in congress, absolutely everyhere you're representing CrOmega, make sure you represent your MU with pride, with dignity and respect, be fair to everyone, don't lie, be honest, be hounourable..

CrOmega 2nd Commander,
Don Croata