Join the ePH Army!

Day 1,369, 20:44 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2
"To sin by silence, when they should protest, makes cowards of men"
- Attributed to Abraham Lincoln.

Why join the military?

defend civilians and their country
(a meaningful and honourable way to spend their lives)

(like a family who really understands you because they all go towards the same experiences together.)

being a part of history
(being right in there in the midst of the action, you are securing your place in the pages of history, and adding to the story of the world which we weave every day.)

taking ACTION rather than sitting around debating matters
(The feeling you get when you get up and actually DO something is different from the feeling you get when you just think about it, or talk about it. They want to get things done!)

Join the Armed Forces of the ePhilippines and be a part of the solution!
No requirements required. Free foods and supplies.

sansae2, Presidente