JDS - Free Gold Lottery and latest news

Day 2,251, 11:47 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Well it's been a weird week for a lot of nations in eRepublik. Countries are going back and forth attempting to find out who is aligning with whom in the next shake up of the games Alliances. With this in mind everything may seem quiet but fear not your Government are very busy behind the scenes making sure eAustralia is not left out in the cold.

In this article we shall host a competition for 10 gold that will be split between two lucky winners and discuss the New Zealand NAP that was announced yesterday and what it means for you.

Well yesterday our ANZAC brothers New Zealand declared a Non Aggression Pact with our old foes Chile. The announcement can be seen here. This is not the first time Chile have wiped Australia and for a while we were holding joint resistance wars with the Kiwi's and Peru in an attempt to split Chilean damage.

This worked very successfully for a brief period last week when we both manages to win a region back, sadly Chile retook the regions shortly afterwards. The bad news continued yesterday when New Zealand announced that hostilities between themselves and Chile would come to an end for now. In exchange New Zealand will be allowed back two regions by Chile but for us this means that we stand alone against Chile for now and unlikely to see a senate. Whether or not chile should release territories that are not needed for their production bonuses to help fellow gamers in the eRepublik community is a hot topic and unlikely to happen anyway sadly. It would be an honourable gesture if this was the case, afterall this is just a role playing game.

New Zealand could find themselves in an opposite alliance to Australia so looking into smoothing ties with a possible future ally is understandable, however for now we are brothers in arms in ACT/TWO while it still stands. And it is sad that our close bonds were not enough to see Australia warned of the coming NAP agreement.

That said ,we wish New Zealand all the best with their future alliance discussions.

Well out of our own pocket myself and Claire Louise have thrown 10 gold into the prize pot for a J.D.S Lottery draw which will not come out of J.D.S funds...OMG!...HOW DO WE ENTER???

Firstly calm down! The Lottery is open to ALL eAustralians and all you have to do is simply post below. It is that simple. In 48 hours when this article leaves the eAustralian media then we'll hold a random draw and the first two names out of the hat wins 5 gold each.

We did consider 10gold for just one winner as we usually did when we last ran the J.D.S, but we thought we would open it up for two people to win this time...and we strongly advise all young players entering to save your gold for the next training gold update.

Remember just comment below and you will be entered.

We so far this fantastic community has pledged yet more donations so we are proud to announce those generous individuals that have donated in the last three days -
Nicky6Fingers - 10 gold

Thank you to you all and those whose donations were featured in the previous articles. All donations will be included again in the end of month financial round up as well. The youth of eAustralia thanks you as we do. You can send donations to myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire Louise and thank you again because without you this scheme wouldn't work.

The J.D.S is run by your Government but with funds from donations by kind citizens, the aim is to help young players and players who are new to eRepublik since late 2013 and are under level 29. Mainly those who entered the game and need that little helping hand. We are not politically biased and there are no hidden catches, you do not have to pay back the rewards or join any political parties. All you have to do is look at the tasks which you will find in a link below, they are very simple and designed to help you adapt into the game and the eAustralian community. Some of the tasks are as simple as reaching certain levels and even just signing up to the eAustralian forums...they are that simple and you get a gold reward for each one completed.

Each task completed will see you receive 1gold, the aim is that you will save it for Training Ground updates because in this game the key thing is strength, and you achieve this by training. The best advice we can offer is for you to save your gold until the admins release an offer on upgrading training grounds...then spend away and upgrade. The higher your strength the more damage you do which is beneficial to yourself and your country and will see you earn more gold as well.

We strongly urge you to take the game and tasks slowly and avoid heavy fighting until you have a respectable strength.


Once you have completed one of the tasks then contact your JDS Directors who are either myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire Louise to receive your free gold.

If you are a new player and definitely leaving and not returning to the game then why not sell your companies and donate the proceeds to helping young players in the same position as yourself? All monies donated are used 100% on young and new players only. Leave a legacy and help a fellow Aussie

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.