J.A.P.A.N. - The new rising sun! Help is on the way!

Day 1,858, 20:38 Published in Japan Portugal by Lucifel

After the first project being a great success, and after donating 500 Q4 Food units to 5 differente citizens under level 25.

I thank them for the trust and for making a difference into accepting what was meant to have a good will and faith.

None the less, if this project could have several interpretations, i choose the one that leads me to think this is something to stay. Japanese Citizens deserve all of the support i can provide them, and so far i've been able to know a large group of people who are trully good and want to help this country.

So as i was saying i decided to create an organization called J.A.P.A.N. - Joint Aid Population Associated Nationals

So what's our goal?

What do we achieve?

What do we gain with this?

This can be some of the questions that might go to every mind that reads this article. I understand why is this happening and why should we trust it?

There are several factors to have into consideration when mentioning a project of this kind.

The objective of the organization is to fund, to support and to coach and help those which may need all sort of things that the game demands.

While doing that and when you consider that an important part of the game also is related to money, food and weapons to fight in the proper time in a good rythm to develop your own character.

So after sharing my idea of this organization with some people i was talking randomly, i realized many people were thinking of the utility of such organization. Also met a citizen that wanted to start his own project related to this goal as well (what are the odds right? But also a good sign of the spirit they try to share with others into helping each other).

There is a Public Sheet i will provide to all the information through this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjwG9lWfkHo7dHBpZ3IxZ1k1VWZEQXZSQndHYWFXRmc#gid=0

(if you have trouble opening it just copy the link to a new browser window and paste it and it will be viewable)

The list of people that are willing to help others and that contributed with resources (Food or Weapons) and money can be also seen in that sheet.

So how do we contribute if we want to?

For all that wish to contribute with some sort of help they can do it by donating it to my account: Click here to access link

- In case of donating Food or Weapons, i ask you to send a private message explaining what's the quality of the item donated, since it can't be seen by the alert received.

- In case of money there isn't this detail happening.

All the donations shall be added to the above mentioned sheet, since i think you are wonderful people of thinking in the welfare of Japan, giving a little of yourself to help others.

My special thanks to all of the donators so far that follow:


Shiranui 94

Inaba Tewi


Joe Rooke

Take our hand we really mean to aid the ones that accept it.

Nippon ichi!


Best regards to all,
