IronToader For Quebec Congress

Day 1,220, 15:20 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

What I propose is high Import Taxes. Import Taxes add to the price of foreign citizens. The current situation is foreign citizens are selling products on our market for less causing our citizens to compete. The foreigners are ruining our market. Company Owners of non raw material companies cannot make a profit. The only way to make a decent profit is to own a raw material company.

We should support our eCanadian Companies!

I hope to maintain a natural enemy at all times. The 10% training bonus should be available to our citizens everyday. I would also highly recommend training wars to boost our war ranks making us stronger for the upcoming day (date unknown) that we will be attacked.

Lieutenant of the 8th Legion, The Crimson Fist (TCO)
Director of Toad University