IronToader For Newfoundland & Labrador Congress

Day 1,312, 10:19 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

This is month is a very special month. I will attempt to actually get a seat in congress. With the new MOO party platform I hope that my campaign can be based on MOO’s 6 Opportunities. Our opportunities fit the game modules. Opportunities 1,2,3,6,6,6 (weird, eh?) are our 6 opportunities. I will base my campaign off these opportunities as I am loyal to my party and its platform.

MOO’s Platform

Opportunity #1: Maintain a full complement of region bonuses
MOO advocates for optimum process efficiency in the country for the self-supply networks of all citizens by having a full complement of region bonuses available in eCanada. MOO supports region renting, region swapping and/or region conquering in order to achieve all ten of the in-game production bonuses of grain, deer, cattle, fish, fruit, salt, iron, aluminum, oil and rubber.

Opportunity #2: Maintain strong positive relationships with our allies.
Opportunity for eCanadians in the countries of our allies through congress exchanges and military exchanges. International exchanges will strengthen our relationship with allies and engage players in the game.

Opportunity #3: Subsidize soldiers who fight in the national military network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian soldier willing to fight to receive some sort of government subsidy in exchange for their role in the national network of soldiers.

Opportunity #6: Provide funding to ecitizens to develop their self-supply network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian to receive assistance in the development of their self-supply network and Town Centre upgrades.

Opportunity #6: Lead the information campaign for new players.
Opportunity for eCanadian babies to be equipped with the information they need to succeed and reach adulthood. A type of marquee would be developped, a series of articles covering the development steps of the new player and the resources available during those formative first weeks. This series would be published in the media and endlessly scroll. With each cycle, the content would be "tweaked" in a continuous improvement effort.

Opportunity #6: Promote unity between citizens, parties, military groups and nations.
Opportunity for eCanadians to live in a nation of unity where relationships are built and nurtured and intolerance is stamped out. Unity is expected between parties, between military groups. Raise the profile of ambassadors, develop more exchange programs, develop more mechanisms to resolve disputes.

Changes Needed

What last month’s congress did not understand is that electing Rolo gave us an opportunity to gain. Rolo offered q5 companies to military units but with certain requirements. He also proposed that he would donate some money back from theft in September 2010. These opportunities come near to never. I plan to jump all over that opportunity to gain.

Out with the old, in with the new.

For the longest time we have elected the same congressmen over and over again. It’s time for newer congressmen to share ideas and control the country. Giving the opportunity to newer players with great ideas to help run the country. I hope that newer congress with high activity is elected to help run this country.

I am fairly old but haven’t received rarely received the opportunity to help our country in a government office. My biggest office has been this month as Vice President of Canada under the Muglack administration. Still as Muglack is keep most stuff hidden from me and other ministers this is a weaker role than a congressmen.

Vice President of Canada