IronToader For DAL Party President

Day 1,146, 17:00 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

As many of you know I am a very active and proud member of DAL. This month I plan to run again for the Party President position in DAL. I’ve been in DAL for 3-4 months and have been in congress once. I am one of the most active DAL members on IRC. I am also currently in the Wes Lewis Cabinet as Deputy Minister of Social Affairs (MoSA).

Last month I ran against current and 2-time DAL Party President, WolfGang III. The vote was by far against me but since then my activity and commitment has sky-rocketed on the DAL forums, eCan forums, and IRC.


If I am elected I hope to achieve these goals I set forward to DAL.

Goal #1 - Increase Party Population

I hope to increase our parties members back to 300+ members. A month ago we had 300+ we now have 250- members. By following my Recruitment plan I hope to achieve this goal.

Goal #2 - Increase Congress Members

As most of you know the last congress election was different from the past. We lost many regions so we scrambled to fill 4 spots per regions. We only got 11 out of 40 this month. I hope to get at least 18 congressmen but this is a very hard goal. A lot of planning must happen.

Goal #3 - Help Our Candidate Win CP Election

If our candidate is in the party DAL, we should help him/her win the election by mass PM’ing and take advantage of our size. This goal is the easiest to achieve.


My platform will be released to the public on January 11th 2011! If you would like to see it now see it on the DAL Forums (If you are a member)

DAL Party President Candidate