IronToader For DAL Party President

Day 1,116, 18:25 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee
IronToader For DAL PP!


In my many strategy games I have played with Alliances, Guilds, Groups, Parties, etc. Recruitment is the most important part to success with in the party. The more people we have, the more votes we have. Here are recruitment plans:

1. Mentoring

In the past month Mentors is a key to helping new players improve. This also convinces them this is the party they should join. The majority of new players will ask for help and join parties of the people who help them.

2. Charity

As you know our party has a successful Charity that come along with a successful director who manages all donations. Crisfire1 has done a great job at doing this difficult job. Since he does a great job I don’t want to interfere with his work. I don’t want any of this to change.

3. Recruitment Team

Bad Influence currently is the Recruitment Director because he writes very good articles and has the gold to advertise them. He also has 1800+ subs. His ideas are fantastic for Recruitment. I don’t want anything to change here either.

Media Plan

As WolfGang III states Media is the key. Literally without media the above topic (recruitment) would not work. Media sends out most of our recruitment. I’d like to see us move forward. Advertising isn’t cheap but it is affordable for this party. Getting the news to newer and elder players looking for parties will bring attention to our party. As you know we have 300+ members. Right now we have the most congressmen.


DAL is usually ahead in many elections. For congress elections SVU plays a big roll in the final outcome. My plan is to take congress candidates find out there past and see where the best place to put them is. I will consist of the following:

For elder Congress candidates

Where you have ran in the past:
How many have you won:
Where have you had your most victories:
Where do you want to run (Write your top 5 places):
Will you be available for SVU?:

For Congress Candidates newcomers

Where do you want to run (Write your top 5 places):
Will you be available for SVU?:

This will make it better to place you in the right area for candidature. This will hopefully help us get 21 congressmen to have a full majority over the other parties.


Right now we currently have good relations with EPIC and the UN but I want to have more parties where we can support or they can support us in the CP elections, Congress. I will try to have relations with other top parties such as NPC or CPF.

Continue the Party’s success!

Change Is Good!

DAL Party President Candidate